speed control?
Posts: 234
I'm planning on using a BS2 & BS2P40 on a display project. Both to drive LED displays, both making producing beeping effects & the other a sound clip via a voice recording chip. Now my question is, how can I adjust the speed of the scanning displays using a reg pot or a digital pot? I tried using an RC circuit, but only managed to create a display that flashed slow at first then speeded up. Needless to say that didn't work. I didn't save the program cause it didn't work but used experiments from the What is a microcontroller Ch 5, activity 2 & 3 to design the program.
Don't worry. Be happy
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol
This code will blink 16 leds in succesion:
Don't worry. Be happy
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol
Don't worry. Be happy
·"If you build it, they will come."
I didn't think of a 555 timer. I can use that with the Pause Pin command to adjust my speed. Thanks.
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol
That was actually my first attempt on a single led to test. I did something wrong though, it starts out flashing real slow & then gradually speeds up, & the rate it speeds up varied with the pot. I did something wrong, just gotta figure out what.
I'm going insaine. It's SOOOOOO much fun. lol