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FSRW: She's So Unusual

rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
edited 2010-02-25 23:01 in Propeller 1
[noparse][[/noparse]fsrw22 replaced by fsrw23; readahead and writebehind gives better speed;
multiple file support.]

Another test release of fsrw23; this one supports multiple files (see serial_terminal.spin
for an example), and it's substantially faster when using pread/pwrite.

On my 100MHz demo board, I now get 1.3MB/sec writes, 1.6MB/sec reads when using
pread/pwrite; the raw reads and writes are above 2MB/sec.

We are approaching a blessed release. Give this one a spin and see if you can break it.

Post Edited (rokicki) : 7/25/2009 4:52:29 AM GMT


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,003
    edited 2009-07-16 17:30

    Here's my results with a brand new Kinsgston 2GB card with my PSM (Propeller System Module):

    (Note to PSM users...· You need to change SD pins from 0,1,2,3 to 3,2,1,0)

    Cr*p!· PST (Propeller Serial Terminal)·won't let me copy to clipboard!

    Here's a screen shot:

    My Prop Info&Apps: ·

    Post Edited (Rayman) : 7/16/2009 5:36:37 PM GMT
    530 x 824 - 71K
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,003
    edited 2009-07-16 17:32
    BTW: You didn't say, but does this new version allow you to access more than 2GB?

    My Prop Info&Apps: ·
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2009-07-16 17:41
    Wow, good to know about the pin order there on the PST! Thanks for the results.

    Yes, this new version supports files up to 2GB, and (on FAT32) up to nearly 1024
    files. It will not currently read or extend the root directory past one cluster, so
    that's why you can only use slightly less than 1K files. I plan to remove this
    limitation in the next release.

    I don't know how much effort I plan to put in to make it support files larger than
    2GB; does anyone really need this? FAT itself only supports up to 4GB, so you
    only gain a factor of two. While it should not be terribly difficult to make it work,
    the problem is the testing; it takes a while to read or write more than 2GB, and
    as we add features (seeking for instance) that all needs to be tested again.

    Anyway, great results on the PST!
  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 17:50
    Rayman said...
    Cr*p! PST (Propeller Serial Terminal) won't let me copy to clipboard!

    Here's a screen shot:
    I switched to PropViewer specifically so I could Copy the results to the clipboard (though it seems to grab the entire window, instead of just the text I highlighted). And yes, this version lets you mount MMC or SD or SDHC cards larger than 2GB, FAT16 or FAT32. Individual files larger than 2GB are still not supported (see the caveats.html file in the zip).

    My results on my 80MHz system (I'll report results from my 100MHz system later for the 2 uSD cards)

    Kodak 2GB SD
    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 62409
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2626 ms at 1511 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2053 ms at 934 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 2875 ms at 701 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3250 ms at 620 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2134 ms at 29 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1896 ms at 33 kB/s

    Canon 32MB MMC-Plus
    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 4096 ClusterCount: 7830
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2832 ms at 1401 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2048 ms at 937 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 480 kB in 2260 ms at 212 kB/s
    fsrw pread 480 kB in 793 ms at 605 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2477 ms at 25 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1892 ms at 33 kB/s

    SanDisk (Ultra II) 2GB SD
    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 62022
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2621 ms at 1513 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2050 ms at 936 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3190 ms at 632 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3246 ms at 621 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2149 ms at 29 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1891 ms at 33 kB/s

    SanDisk 256MB SD
    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 7718
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2846 ms at 1394 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2217 ms at 866 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 2816 ms at 715 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3419 ms at 589 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2143 ms at 29 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1895 ms at 33 kB/s

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 120804
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2869 ms at 1383 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2049 ms at 937 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3457 ms at 583 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3295 ms at 611 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2572 ms at 24 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1938 ms at 32 kB/s

    SanDisk 2GB uSD
    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 61981
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2656 ms at 1494 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2049 ms at 936 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 2782 ms at 724 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3245 ms at 621 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2131 ms at 29 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1890 ms at 33 kB/s

    Piranha are people too.
  • mynet43mynet43 Posts: 644
    edited 2009-07-16 18:36
    Here are a couple of tests, with a 2GB Kingston SD and an 8GB Kingston SDHC.

    Keep up the good work!

  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2009-07-16 18:57
    Hi rokicki and Lonesock,

    Firstly, thanks guys, for without FSRW there wouldn't be sooooo much stuff going on with Prop, in a million and one directions now.

    Here's my results, on an Integral 1GB SD running on a Hybrid @ 96Mhz.

    Clock: 96000000 ClusterSize: 16384 ClusterCount: 62089
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2385 ms at 1663 kB/s
    Raw read 3968 kB in 3532 ms at 1123 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3782 ms at 533 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 2714 ms at 742 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 127 kB in 3666 ms at 34 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 127 kB in 3174 ms at 40 kB/s


    ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔·home of the PropGFX Lite

  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2009-07-16 19:13
    Having trouble running the tests on Proto board and Demo board. Error -1000 Timeout.

    Do you require pullups on the lines?

    I was able to run the old speed test, but not the new one.

    I write to my Proto board all the time as a GPS Data logger, basepin 0. This test using PST as I/O.

    Thanks, Jim

    rokicki said...
    Lonesock has been putting in some serious work on fsrw, and it's time to make the
    fruit of his labors (with a little help from me) available.

    This is a test release of fsrw 2.1. Main new features are a faster block layer,
    support for multiblock commands, support for SDHC, support for FAT32, and a
    few more basic utility routines. Overall performance is significantly improved.

    The "test.spin" in the following archive does both a functional testing and a
    performance testing. We ask that, if you have a Prop platform with a secure
    digital card socket (or micro-SD), would you download this archive, read the
    instructions in "testing.html", run "test.spin", and share your results in this thread?

    Note that "test.spin" tests some relatively evil scenarios, such as attempting to
    reset a card in the middle of a multiblock write (simulating a propeller
    program "crash" or user-initiated reset). I own one card (out of about 20) that
    simply will not reset in the middle of a multiblock command, even though the
    specification indicates it should. For this card, a power cycle is needed. We
    put these scenarios in the "test.spin" so you would know about such cards
    *before* you encountered them in development or deployment. I do not
    anticipate this will arise for any reasonably modern card.

    Once again, I want to emphasize how important it is to use a large cluster
    size in order to get any sort of performance out of these routines. The
    Propeller lacks the memory needed to buffer the FAT, so it must
    continuously refer back to it, and the smaller the cluster size, the more
    frequent this overhead.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing some test results!

  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 19:27
    hover1 said...
    Having trouble running the tests on Proto board and Demo board. Error -1000 Timeout.
    Hi, Jim.

    Pull-up resistors are recommended by the SD (and MMC) spec, but not required. This timeout tells me that during the initialization process the card never left BUSY mode for 4 seconds, which is a huge timeout. Could you power cycle your board, then run test.spin using PropViewer, and copy & paste the full log into a PM to me? I'll try to figure out what's going on.

    Thanks for your help!

    Piranha are people too.
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2009-07-16 19:33
    After rewiring the Demo Board, I can't get test.spin to run again. It got it to run a total of two times, out of 20-30 tries.

    Just downloaded PropView, so I could capure a log, ·which required .NET 3.5 upgrade·which·just screwed up my laptop. Well I've got some work to do before I get back to this.

    Question is: I am running a plain Demo board with uSD at Base Pin 0 and PST for I/O. Same for my Proto board.

    Do I need to change anything in sysdep.spin other than the base pin setup? There is mention of "If you do not have an input mechanism, make the rx method return " " the first time it is called and make it sit in an infinite loop all subsequent times (so the test is run exactly once)."

    Also my "CD" pin is floating right now. Do I need to tie high/low? Have not had to up to now.

    I'm·dealing with·the flu right now so these problems may be virus related, ie not thinking straight.


    Just found a loose socket on the demo board (VDD to SD Socket.. Gee THAT wont' affect anything [noparse]:)[/noparse] Test results will follow.

    lonesock said...
    hover1 said...
    Having trouble running the tests on Proto board and Demo board. Error -1000 Timeout.
    Hi, Jim.

    Pull-up resistors are recommended by the SD (and MMC) spec, but not required. This timeout tells me that during the initialization process the card never left BUSY mode for 4 seconds, which is a huge timeout. Could you power cycle your board, then run test.spin using PropViewer, and copy & paste the full log into a PM to me? I'll try to figure out what's going on.

    Thanks for your help!

    Post Edited (hover1) : 7/16/2009 11:55:36 PM GMT
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,003
    edited 2009-07-16 19:54
    Just tried my video player and found the frame rate increased from 20 to 33 fps. Thought it might be faster, but maybe the SPIN control code is limiting the performance...

    It didn't work at first... Was hanging on "Mount_Explicit"... Then tried the old code, then back to the new code and now it works!

    My Prop Info&Apps: ·
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2009-07-16 20:09
    Wow, 33fps is pretty quick! Are you using pread or raw block reads?

    Anyway, I'm delighted with a 65% speed bump in a "real" application.
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2009-07-16 20:11
    BTW, lonesock has the test.spin code generating a significant amount of useful error logging
    on failures, so if anyone sees any sort of failure, that screen capture could be very useful.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2009-07-16 20:50
    Does it support MMC cards ?

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  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2009-07-16 20:50
    Yes, MMC cards are supported.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,003
    edited 2009-07-16 20:57
    Maybe I need to include a backslash with I call mount... Perhaps it aborts to further up the chain somewhere?

    I'm using pread ('cause I've been to lazy to figure that block read stuff out!)

    My Prop Info&Apps: ·
  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 20:58
    rokicki said...
    Yes, MMC cards are supported.
    Having said that, MMC is certainly the least-tested family, but lots of effort went into making the block layer compatible with both the MMC spec (v1.3) and the simplified SD spec (v2.0). More testing is always welcome!


    Piranha are people too.
  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 21:09
    Rayman said...
    Maybe I need to include a backslash with I call mount... Perhaps it aborts to further up the chain somewhere?
    I'm using pread ('cause I've been to lazy to figure that block read stuff out!)
    Just a quick note: Tom did a bit of optimization...if your buffer is long aligned in Hub RAM (and having it's length be a multiple 512 bytes never hurts), you will see a slight speed increase using pread or pwrite.


    Piranha are people too.
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2009-07-16 21:17
    Rayman, if you can get it to fail, reproducibly, let us know and we'll work with you (probably by email) to figure out
    what is going on.

    And yes, longword-aligned buffers and read requests do help performance. Maybe in the PropII we can get a
    memmove() command that takes care of the needed shifting (and RMW at the ends) so we can get good
    performance even on bytemove (note that bytemove itself is not very fast).
  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2009-07-16 21:23
    @Rokicki + Lonesock ...

    Feel free to use additions I added to updated version (v1.7) as per this

    Added SDstr,SDbin,SDhex and SDdec to fsrw to allow simple writing of Strings, Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal values to SDcard.(Submitted to Obex Jan 2009)

    if additions are deemed worthy of course ...


    'Necessity is the mother of invention'

    'Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach.'
    'Convince a man against his will, he's of the same opinion still.'

  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 21:47
    QuattroRS4 said...
    @Rokicki + Lonesock ...

    Feel free to use additions I added to updated version (v1.7) as per this

    Added SDstr,SDbin,SDhex and SDdec to fsrw to allow simple writing of Strings, Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal values to SDcard.(Submitted to Obex Jan 2009)

    if additions are deemed worthy of course ...

    Thanks! I know Tom has added a "pputs" that writes 0-terminated strings already, but the options of writing dec, hex, and bin would be nice too. We are planning to move to conditional compilation which would allow the user to select only the functions desired, but for now we are trying to keep code size down and use the standard Propeller Tool.

    (Note that the size issue is especially important as the multiblock access code is necessarily larger, and the initialization is more complex (both for getting a card out of multiread or multiwrite mode, and for handling MMC and SD and SDHC cards). I do plan to add a tiny version of the block layer driver, without unrolled loops, and perhaps using only single block mode.)


    Piranha are people too.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2009-07-16 21:59
    Can you please plan for having a boot function in the assembly code using a digit from "0" to "7" as the command code? Before the read starts, it would do a COGSTOP on the cog # provided as the command code, then do the read just like the "r" command, then drop through to a Spin boot routine like in sdspiFemto.spin (starting at "nowBootSpin", line 730). Note that sdspiFemto.spin has the ability to act like it's loading a program, but without changing memory. This was used for testing purposes and isn't really needed.
  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-16 22:46
    Mike Green said...
    Can you please plan for having a boot function in the assembly code using a digit from "0" to "7" as the command code? Before the read starts, it would do a COGSTOP on the cog # provided as the command code, then do the read just like the "r" command, then drop through to a Spin boot routine like in sdspiFemto.spin (starting at "nowBootSpin", line 730). Note that sdspiFemto.spin has the ability to act like it's loading a program, but without changing memory. This was used for testing purposes and isn't really needed.
    Hi, Mike.

    I'm not sure that I fully understand, but I'd be happy to discuss it. Send me a PM? I think it might be easiest to have the loading from SD to RAM buffer controlled via Spin, then simply have the reboot code by itself inside the PASM.


    Piranha are people too.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,003
    edited 2009-07-17 00:28
    lonesock said...

    Just a quick note: Tom did a bit of optimization...if your buffer is long aligned in Hub RAM (and having it's length be a multiple 512 bytes never hurts), you will see a slight speed increase using pread or pwrite.
    Buffer was already long aligned, but not even multiple of 512 bytes...· Just increased size to even number of 512 bytes, but speed didn't really change much (sometimes 34 fps, sometimes 31 fps, depending on #frames read)...

    Rokicki:· I'm not quite sure I'd call the video player a "real world" app, but I do appreciate the increased speed!
    I think now that I can comfortably do film speed at 24 fps with decent audio...

    My Prop Info&Apps: ·
  • lonesocklonesock Posts: 917
    edited 2009-07-17 03:04
    Rayman said...

    Buffer was already long aligned, but not even multiple of 512 bytes... Just increased size to even number of 512 bytes, but speed didn't really change much (sometimes 34 fps, sometimes 31 fps, depending on #frames read)...
    If you can enforce the condition that the file you are reading is contiguous, you could use the raw block layer for much faster access. You would get a block of 512 bytes at a time, but obviously you could just read N of them back to back before processing the video and audio. However, that is a pretty large restriction to place on the user. What is your desired read data-rate? There are a few things I could do to optimize throughput a little bit, especially if you only ever need to read data, not write.

    (There is also one thing I'm working on: 1-instruction per bit reads. So far I have 2 failed schemes. 1 fails on all systems at PLL16X, but works for all other cases, and 2 works on one system at PLL16X (at 100MHz no less), but fails on other systems (even at the lower 80 MHz). On the system where it works, I get raw reads and writes at the same speed, just over 2MB/s at 100 MHz, but I do not want to distribute code that works on 1 out of 4 tests systems.)

    Thanks for testing!

    P.S. Anyone else have some throughput numbers to post?

    Piranha are people too.
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2009-07-17 03:17
    Nice work guys,

    If you followed my other post I've just almost completed a FAT32/16 file system driver for everyone to use.

    My block driver is in spin however so its very slow right now. And for some reason the first block write fails always after powerup.... Odd but after that it seems to work while being slow.

    I've got every feature implemented except for long file names. That reminds me, I need to ask how format should work. I'll go update that post right now.

  • David BDavid B Posts: 592
    edited 2009-07-17 04:22
    Here are some values. I didn't have the time to reformat the cards, so their clusters maybe aren't optimum.
    No problems at all - everything seemed to run great on a professional dev board with a homemade SD socket plugged into the breadboard.

    1G Sandisk SD

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 16384 ClusterCount: 61970
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2739 ms at 1448 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2049 ms at 936 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3708 ms at 543 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3257 ms at 619 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2136 ms at 29 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1891 ms at 33 kB/s

    256 MB Sandisk SD

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 16384 ClusterCount: 15434
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2604 ms at 1523 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2048 ms at 937 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3568 ms at 565 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3259 ms at 618 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2256 ms at 27 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1890 ms at 33 kB/s

    128 MB Panasonic SD

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 2048 ClusterCount: 62591
    Raw write 3968 kB in 3107 ms at 1277 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2058 ms at 932 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 224 kB in 2954 ms at 75 kB/s
    fsrw pread 224 kB in 395 ms at 566 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2765 ms at 22 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1907 ms at 33 kB/s

    I have a request. What about allowing users to supply a date when creating a file? You could have FSRW initialize a long as the default date, but provide a function to give callers the option of overriding it with their own date.

    I made a GPS logger that did this - since GPS provide the date and time, I built a long and passed it to a modified FSRW so the logged files would have a reasonable timestamp, using code like this. The first part was run every second to generate a date for the logged data; the second part ran when the logfile was first opened, using the built-up datetimestring to generate a long in the MS-DOS timestamp style.

    PUB buildDateTimeString   | year, month, day, hour, minute, second             
    ' convert DDMMYY and HHMMSS into YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]0] := "2"          ' Y
      strDateTime := "0"          ' Y
      strDateTime := strDate   ' Y
      strDateTime := strDate   ' Y
      strDateTime := "-"
      strDateTime := strDate   ' M
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]6] := strDate   ' M   
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]7] := "-"
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]8] := strDate[noparse][[/noparse]0]   ' D
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]9] := strDate   ' D
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]10] := " " 
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]11] := strTime[noparse][[/noparse]0]  ' H
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]12] := strTime  ' H
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]13] := ":" 
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]14] := strTime  ' M
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]15] := strTime  ' M
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]16] := ":" 
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]17] := strTime  ' S
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]18] := strTime  ' S
      strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]19] := 0
      year   := (1000*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]0]-"0"))+(100*(strDateTime-"0"))+(10*(strDateTime-"0"))+(strDateTime-"0")
      month  := (10*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse] 5]-"0"))+(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse] 6]-"0")
      day    := (10*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse] 8]-"0"))+(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse] 9]-"0")
      hour   := (10*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]11]-"0"))+(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]12]-"0")
      minute := (10*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]14]-"0"))+(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]15]-"0")
      second := (10*(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]17]-"0"))+(strDateTime[noparse][[/noparse]18]-"0")
      dateAsLong := ((year - 1980) << 25) + (month << 21) + (day << 16) + (hour << 12) + (minute << 5 + second)


    Post Edited (David B) : 7/17/2009 1:28:18 PM GMT
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2009-07-17 04:26
    rokiki and lonesock...

    Fantastic work guys. jumpin.gif

    Ross has my working TriBlade as I have not had the time to build one for him shakehead.gif· Hopefully Ross will test this on a TriBlade for you.

    BTW: I posted a fix for sdspiFemto so that the SD card would release D0 to tristate after each access. It was only a·simple fix, but probably not the best/fastest method. This is necessary as I share the pins with the sram pins, and this is the same for my RamBlade when I have time to finish the pcb. This method is required for the fastest ram access without latches.

    Links to other interesting threads:

    · Home of the MultiBladeProps: TriBladeProp, RamBlade, TwinBlade,·SixBlade, website
    · Single Board Computer:·3 Propeller ICs·and a·TriBladeProp board (ZiCog Z80 Emulator)
    · Prop Tools under Development or Completed (Index)
    · Emulators: Micros eg Altair, and Terminals eg VT100 (Index) ZiCog (Z80), MoCog (6809)
    · Search the Propeller forums (via Google)
    My cruising website is: ··· MultiBladeProp is:
  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,550
    edited 2009-07-17 04:57

    Yes, I'll try testing this on Cluso's TriBlade over the weekend. I already have fsrw working on the TriBladeProp (I use it in my generic program loader) so this should be quite simple.

    I'll post figures in a day or so.


    Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2009-07-17 07:10
  • CassLanCassLan Posts: 586
    edited 2009-07-17 09:52
    Hey Guys I tested 2 SD Cards and 1 microSD Card. 3 Different Brands.

    I have never had a problem copying text from PST, I do it all the time, I often will copy values into excell for graphs. You just can't right click....CTRL+C instead.
    Also..dont highlight past what your readout is..if that makes any sense.

    Thanks Again for all the effort being put into media reading/writing!


    1GB Sandisk SD
    Mount tests first
    First mount.
    Succeeded; stopping cog.
    Second mount.
    Reading block 0 (should be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; unmounting
    Third mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; writing it back
    Write finished; unmounting
    Fourth mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Block layer seems to check out
    Now speed tests
    How fast can we write, sequentially?
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2608 ms at 1521 kB/s
    Do a single non-sequential write...Done
    How fast can we read, sequentially?
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2049 ms at 937 kB/s
    Now the filesystem tests
    Trying to mount
    How fast can we write using pwrite?
    fsrw pwrite 992 kB in 2168 ms at 457 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pread?
    fsrw pread 992 kB in 1606 ms at 617 kB/s
    How fast can we write using pputc?
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2229 ms at 28 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pgetc?
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1891 ms at 33 kB/s
    Repeating all the speed results:

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 16384 ClusterCount: 61977
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2608 ms at 1521 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2049 ms at 937 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 992 kB in 2168 ms at 457 kB/s
    fsrw pread 992 kB in 1606 ms at 617 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2229 ms at 28 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1891 ms at 33 kB/s
    All done!

    PQI 256MB SD
    Mount tests first
    First mount.
    Succeeded; stopping cog.
    Second mount.
    Reading block 0 (should be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; unmounting
    Third mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; writing it back
    Write finished; unmounting
    Fourth mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Block layer seems to check out
    Now speed tests
    How fast can we write, sequentially?
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2706 ms at 1466 kB/s
    Do a single non-sequential write...Done
    How fast can we read, sequentially?
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2048 ms at 937 kB/s
    Now the filesystem tests
    Trying to mount
    How fast can we write using pwrite?
    fsrw pwrite 32 kB in 2325 ms at 13 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pread?
    fsrw pread 32 kB in 53 ms at 606 kB/s
    How fast can we write using pputc?
    FSRW pputc 1 kB in 2151 ms at 0 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pgetc?
    FSRW pgetc 1 kB in 30 ms at 34 kB/s
    Repeating all the speed results:

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 4096 ClusterCount: 62387
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2706 ms at 1466 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2048 ms at 937 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 32 kB in 2325 ms at 13 kB/s
    fsrw pread 32 kB in 53 ms at 606 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 1 kB in 2151 ms at 0 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 1 kB in 30 ms at 34 kB/s
    All done!

    Kingston 4GB microSD in SD Adapter
    Mount tests first
    First mount.
    Succeeded; stopping cog.
    Second mount.
    Reading block 0 (should be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; unmounting
    Third mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Boot block checks out; writing it back
    Write finished; unmounting
    Fourth mount.
    Reading block 0 again (should still be a boot block)
    Read finished; checking for boot block signature
    Block layer seems to check out
    Now speed tests
    How fast can we write, sequentially?
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2641 ms at 1502 kB/s
    Do a single non-sequential write...Done
    How fast can we read, sequentially?
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2054 ms at 934 kB/s
    Now the filesystem tests
    Trying to mount
    How fast can we write using pwrite?
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3506 ms at 575 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pread?
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3252 ms at 619 kB/s
    How fast can we write using pputc?
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2335 ms at 26 kB/s
    How fast can we read using pgetc?
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1894 ms at 33 kB/s
    Repeating all the speed results:

    Clock: 80000000 ClusterSize: 32768 ClusterCount: 120770
    Raw write 3968 kB in 2641 ms at 1502 kB/s
    Raw read 1920 kB in 2054 ms at 934 kB/s
    fsrw pwrite 2016 kB in 3506 ms at 575 kB/s
    fsrw pread 2016 kB in 3252 ms at 619 kB/s
    FSRW pputc 63 kB in 2335 ms at 26 kB/s
    FSRW pgetc 63 kB in 1894 ms at 33 kB/s
    All done!

    Waiting for key press to start tests


    NYC Area Prop Club

    Prop Forum Search (Via Google)

    Post Edited (CassLan) : 7/17/2009 11:10:16 AM GMT
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