Battery Charger circuit for my bot.
I recently purchased some "AA" cell batteries (with solder tabs) to create a few battery packs for my robot. The plan is to initially design a seperate battery charger so that i can charge my packs. Then later i will also add the designed circuit in to the PCBs design so that i can just plug the robot in if needing a charge.
I will be connecting the batteries in 3packs, 3batts x 1.2v = 3.6v. The mAh rating for my particular batteries are 1000mAh per "AA" cell, so the packs should be about 3000mAh rating. I'm just not sure how to begin designing a battery charger. Have seen designs using a PIC, but i have 2 extra 40pin Propellers stored away which i thought i would use instead, or a BS2, i figured either one would do the trick, I just don't quite understand how to, when the battery gets to full charge, or near full charge, stop and put in trickle mode.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I will be connecting the batteries in 3packs, 3batts x 1.2v = 3.6v. The mAh rating for my particular batteries are 1000mAh per "AA" cell, so the packs should be about 3000mAh rating. I'm just not sure how to begin designing a battery charger. Have seen designs using a PIC, but i have 2 extra 40pin Propellers stored away which i thought i would use instead, or a BS2, i figured either one would do the trick, I just don't quite understand how to, when the battery gets to full charge, or near full charge, stop and put in trickle mode.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
2) I assume these batteries are NiMH. You need a different sort of charger for each battery chemistry. Do a Google search for "DIY NiMH Charger" and you'll find a lot of suggestions for chargers. Maxim makes charger chips and has datasheets on their website.
3) The various battery manufacturers have recommended charging criteria on their websites. Maxim's datasheet (MAX712) also discusses charging (and charge cutoff) criteria.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 7/15/2009 4:11:49 PM GMT
Thanks Mike, i have ordered a few MAX713 (because the batteries i chose were NiCad). My project is requiring at anytime at least 1.5Ah (1500mAh), which i thought would have been met, but i guess i was mistaken about the battery packs. If the mAh don't add, like i thought, then i will be .5A short of my current requirement.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
What are you running off these batteries and what kinds of voltages are needed?
I recommend using a switching regulator for the robot and relatively high battery voltages (7.2V, 9.6V, 12V, etc.)· This is much more efficient than trying to use low voltages and linear low drop-out regulators (3.6V, 4.8V, 6.0V, etc.)
Which are very inexpensive and should work perfect for what i'm doing. And what is i'm doing? An overhaul of sorts on my·tracked robot. It's running propeller, IR detection (emitters use 3.3v/detector uses 5v), 3 general purpose LEDs for status and detection, 2·x motors·GM9 (solorbotics,·rated 3v=400mA,·5v=600mA). I was having alot of problems using an L298·controlling these motors, and i believe alot of it was the fact that my battery selection was·not right. But now that i am using L293d (much easier, and perfectly rated for my project), it's alot easier.·I was originally going to use 2x 3"AA" cell packs, which would give me·7.2v. With the batteries that i bought i would need·2x·6"AA" cell packs to just be at 2Ah, correct? But the packs that i found above, which you can't beat the price, are·3"AA" cell 2300mah packs, which would be perfect, right?
Again, sorry for all the dumb·questions, but i'm finnaly starting to understand some of this and i get very curious, and sometimes very impatient and buy things without fully understanding what i'm doing.
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
the last one is a Li-Ion 18650 14.8V 2200 mAh Rechargeable Battery Pack with PCB Protection which would play nice with my small design, only being the size of 4 "AA" batteries.
Do any of these sound like they would work out alright? Or should i continue to plan on using 2 seperate packs, one for motors, one for other electronics.
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
what do you all think of this for Li-Ion charging - it's not mine, nor can I vouch for it, just wondering if it's safe and reasonable as it can be used for several types of batts (according to the author):
TLP-2000 Universal Smart Charger for Li-Ion/Polymer battery Pack (3.7V-14.8V 1-4 cells)
As far as discharging, it says 2.5C (5A), which would in my case probably never dicharge over 1.5A, and definately never over 2A. I would probably nix the idea of an onboard charger, if i used the li-ion batteris, so that a safe charge could be produced from the Universal Smart Charger, for safety.
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
For charging LiPos I use the Thunder Power TP-1010C along with the Thunder Power TP-210V Balancer. I will also sometimes use the Great Planes Triton for LiPos that don't have the balancing taps.
For high cell count (up to 40) NiMh or NiCads I use the AstroFlight 112 Deluxe.
For 6-7 cell RC Car packs I use the Duratrax Intellipeak Twin Pulse Charger.
My Favorite and easiest to use is the Dymond Turbo Super Charger. No Longer on Dymond's website. Looks like their Delta X 6 Plus has replaced it.
For AA's I use the Maha MH-C800S Eight Cell Smart Charger.
I also use a 16 year old Litco Alpha 4 from time to time.
Rich H
Post Edited (W9GFO) : 7/16/2009 4:58:52 PM GMT
Rich H
Post Edited (W9GFO) : 7/16/2009 5:17:38 PM GMT
Also, like Mike Green was saying above, I would like to use higher voltages, preferable 9v (which is where my motors would truly be perfect speed and torque), but they will push a little over an amp each. Which will mean that i will still be running my batteries at over 50-60% capactiy leaving me with very short battery life. On the other hand i could just add a bigger pack... but where? there is just no room to keep getting bigger and bigger batteries. That is why i am settleing wiht 5v-6v running to my motors, along with the 3.3 for prop and 5v for ir detection and possible using the Li-Ion. I currently have 12 "AA"s, yes 12, the wieght alone makes the bot barely move even with tracks. the Li-ion will be the size of 4AA batteries, maybe a littel bit bigger but that is definately doable, no worries on weight, no worries on room.
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
You can get low voltage alarms/cutoffs commercially or build your own.
Rich H
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
It was my understanding, and hopefully i'm in the ball park here, that the battery voltage will stay pretty much at whatever it is rated (say 9v) until most all of the capacity is discharged, then you get a very fast drop from rated voltage. So if the 9v battery was almost fully discharged and the cutoff voltage was say 6v, or something, theoretically to be safe i should monitor the voltage at all time and have an override built in to shut down at about 7v correct?
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
-Michael Morris
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm wondering if there's a reference-standard like charging circuit on the 'net --- for what ever reason, there seems to be a paucity of these schematics.
what do you all think of this for Li-Ion charging - it's not mine, nor can I vouch for it, just wondering if it's safe and reasonable as it can be used for several types of batts (according to the author):
The last line in the article say this
I would recommend using a large capacitor in place of the battery to test the circuit and verify it shuts off at the correct voltage.
I would also recommend this as well
I have a few of the battery and my problem is not having·a charger·for them this is why I have not use them yet
I am going to try this Charging Circuit·And Do Some Testing·and see what happens and I will let you know
··Thanks for any·