Need advice re: connecting a key pad and a uhf module and an LCD
As cheaply as possible I would like to connect these three devices to a basic Stamp 2p.
Any info appreciated.
Any info appreciated.

Mike, I have done this now , thankyou. I understand I could really easily connect a keypad using say a netmedia keypad and meme chip. That is a very expensive way to connect a key pad. I will look at getting some kind of IO expander to connect up a keypad.
I would rather use bluetooth as I will have to do a lot of coding with all these UHF and microcontrollers to ensure the data is recieved to the tranceiver connected to my PC.
Bluetooth to my knowledge does this automatically. Like if ten people send you an SMS from their phones at the same rtime you get all the messages. But the bluetooth modules are above my budget