brushless motor controll
I've been trying to figure out how to controll a brushless motor I have.· It's a GWS 3 wire(? 3 phase ?), RC plane type of motor.· I'm trying to controll this motor with a BS2.· I've tried runing the signal through a gws brushless esc with the pulsout comand.· The esc just beeps at me as though it expects some signal that tells it the transmiter is on.·
If any of you have worked with these motors befor please let me know.
maybe I need to find a dc to 3 phase circuit.· I've tried turning on and off certain outputs as though it was a steper motor also.
If any of you have worked with these motors befor please let me know.
maybe I need to find a dc to 3 phase circuit.· I've tried turning on and off certain outputs as though it was a steper motor also.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Tom Sisk
I hadn't thought of simulating the throtle stick from a transmiter.· I'll try that.· I should have thought of that because when you use it in a traditional rc vehicle you start it with the throtle forward untill it beeps then you move the joystick to mid throtle.· Then it beeps again, and your ready to go.
Thanks for the help folks.·
I bet you could figure out the correct pulse/frequency needed by reading the signal with a stamp serin/freqin and debug program.