Navigation Techniques
Can anyone point me in the right direction (no pun intended) on information relating to robotic navigation?· What I'm particularly interested in is the principles, techniques and tactics of navigation rather than the specifics.·
I'm building an indoor·domestic robot.· The task is simply to navigate from point A in one room to point B in another.· This is over level floors (no steps).· The environment has the usual challenges associated with domestic applications, e.g. open or closed doors, soft furnishings, skinny chair legs, restrictive spaces, object relocation, ambient IR, etc.
Currently I'm doing this with a mixture of wall following and ded. reckoning, with the occasional reference to·easily identified landmarks·as well as IR beacons.· The robot uses an array of four PINGs·for obstacle avoidance / acquisition, has skid steering,·optical encoders for ascertaining distances, an IR block for beacon detection, an RF block calling the robot, load detection, and low power detection.· No compass as yet, though I haven't ruled out the possibility of using one.· I understand that they can be affected by environmental variables, e.g. domestic appliances.· I also considered GPS, but I understand this isn't suitable for indoor use or high precision work.· The chip set is fairly basic - a BS2-e master chip for the PING, IR,·RF·and navigation routines,·a smaller slave chip for the motor commands, and an H Bridge for the motor control.·
The approach I'm using is to start the robot from a known origin, have it orientate itself to a local object,·and follow a wall in "right hand" or "left hand" mode until an event trigger occurs (e.g. achieving a certain distance or finding an open doorway).··It then switches to the next routine (i.e. "waypoint") and continues its journey.· After completing the set of waypoints it reaches its destination.· It then saves the·"destination" as the·"origin", ready for·the next·command set.· This reduces the errors inherent in ded. reckoning alone.
The robot·uses a variety of tactics to avoid or escape the inevitable navigation traps.· These include switching from open roam mode, left hand wall following, right hand following, reverse and pivot, wall acquisition, parallel or perpendicular orientation, etc.·
Beacon navigation is of limited use because of line-of-sight restrictions.· So too is use of barcodes, line following, etc.· More information on PID control would be great.·
If anyone has other ideas or information on practical methods of domestic navigation, I'd love to hear them!
Can anyone point me in the right direction (no pun intended) on information relating to robotic navigation?· What I'm particularly interested in is the principles, techniques and tactics of navigation rather than the specifics.·
I'm building an indoor·domestic robot.· The task is simply to navigate from point A in one room to point B in another.· This is over level floors (no steps).· The environment has the usual challenges associated with domestic applications, e.g. open or closed doors, soft furnishings, skinny chair legs, restrictive spaces, object relocation, ambient IR, etc.
Currently I'm doing this with a mixture of wall following and ded. reckoning, with the occasional reference to·easily identified landmarks·as well as IR beacons.· The robot uses an array of four PINGs·for obstacle avoidance / acquisition, has skid steering,·optical encoders for ascertaining distances, an IR block for beacon detection, an RF block calling the robot, load detection, and low power detection.· No compass as yet, though I haven't ruled out the possibility of using one.· I understand that they can be affected by environmental variables, e.g. domestic appliances.· I also considered GPS, but I understand this isn't suitable for indoor use or high precision work.· The chip set is fairly basic - a BS2-e master chip for the PING, IR,·RF·and navigation routines,·a smaller slave chip for the motor commands, and an H Bridge for the motor control.·
The approach I'm using is to start the robot from a known origin, have it orientate itself to a local object,·and follow a wall in "right hand" or "left hand" mode until an event trigger occurs (e.g. achieving a certain distance or finding an open doorway).··It then switches to the next routine (i.e. "waypoint") and continues its journey.· After completing the set of waypoints it reaches its destination.· It then saves the·"destination" as the·"origin", ready for·the next·command set.· This reduces the errors inherent in ded. reckoning alone.
The robot·uses a variety of tactics to avoid or escape the inevitable navigation traps.· These include switching from open roam mode, left hand wall following, right hand following, reverse and pivot, wall acquisition, parallel or perpendicular orientation, etc.·
Beacon navigation is of limited use because of line-of-sight restrictions.· So too is use of barcodes, line following, etc.· More information on PID control would be great.·
If anyone has other ideas or information on practical methods of domestic navigation, I'd love to hear them!
There is also "celestial" navigation by way of a camera looking straight up at a constellation of IR beacons on the ceiling.
Rich H
edit: put into code brackets due to the idiotic highlighting of : p as a smily face...
edit: more formatting...
Post Edited (SRLM) : 7/13/2009 5:23:39 AM GMT
I suppose what I'm really interested in are any of those "light bulb" moments where people have managed to solve navigation problems in ingenious, low tech, common sense ways.· You know, the type of techniques that people invent out of sheer necessity that aren't written in any standard texts.·
As an example, I have one program that allows the robot to detect the type of surface it's moving over by checking the rolling resistance.· When I ran it, I was surprised to see that it was so sensitive it would actually detect the nap of the carpet, as well as any hollow spots and slopes·in what otherwise appears to be·a level, tiled concrete floor.· That allows the robot to make asssumptions about its location and direction using nothing but a speed checking routine.· It's fairly basic and straightforward, yet I've never read anything about·using rolling resistance·as a navigation aid.·
Nor have I read anything about using a velocity check to distinguish between fixed objects (e.g. walls) and movable objects.· The same applies to techniques such as using speed sensing·or load sensing as an alternative to bumper switches and whiskers.·
There must be thousands of ideas like that out there somewhere!··
Sandgroper, sounds like you're well into the art of robot navigation. That rolling resistance program of yours sounds pretty impressive. I·put·some simple encoders on a Scribbler robot to go straight and make calibrated turns, but that's as far as I've gone. Please keep us advised on your progress, you have big goals and I'm sure Forum members will be interested to learn of your findings.
·"If you build it, they will come."
The rolling resistance program is far simpler than it sounds.· All I did was clock the average velocity over different surfaces for a given load at a set speed.· The idea was to use the variation in speed as one method of identifying the surface type and therefore the approximate location.· The surprise was finding that some surfaces had consistent variations in certain directions and / or locations.·
You can check for carpet nap with nothing more than encoders.· Run the robot forward for a set distance.· Then reverse straight back for the same distance.· If there is any nap in the carpet, the robot will either overshoot or undershoot the starting point.· I found it was possible to orientate the robot according to the direction of the nap.· The robot I used had front wheel drive / rear wheel steering.· I'm not sure how easy it would be·with skid steering.
See·for very useful info on using PID in a real-world robot in a contest setting.
Our own Forum guru PhiPi·wrote a thoroughly wonderful piece on using encoders in the BoE-Bot:
I have an older·CYE robot that set the standard for odometry accuracy in its day. No sensors at all except two motor encoders. A simple but high-accuracy diff-drive robot that would periodically square itself against a wall or corner to zero out accumulated errors. It came with some slick GUI software called "Map & Zap" that was well-done and·fun to use. Well worth a look to see the process:·One guy pretty much did the whole project, I chatted with him on the phone years ago. Found him at that website, SMART tech guy. He·could be·a valuable resource for you.
Getting from A to B to C is definitely possible in a laboratory·setting. But the real-world variables (wheel slip and random obstacles that must be detoured around) assure that the whole-house navigation problem is not in danger of being solved easily or immediately!
·"If you build it, they will come."
Post Edited (erco) : 7/16/2009 9:39:25 PM GMT