PINK server: standalone w/ crossover cable - one way data only...???
Posts: 1,120
Hi again!· I have (as most of you know by now ;-)· ) PINK servers running - and quite well - in the following configuration:
>· Wireless Router via Cat-5
> Computer via Cat-5 OR wireless
I can display the embedded web page, and post to it just fine in the above configuration.· Here's where teh oddities begin.
In the standalone configuration:
> Computer via CROSSOVER Cat-5
The computer can access the web page just fine - displays it and all its parts; HOWEVER - when I attempt to post the form on the page (which just writes back to itself into the Nb_vars) - it times out and shows a "Page cannot be displayed error".·
For the heck of it I tried to use a regular cat-5 cable, and of course I got nothing at all.
I (obviously, since it works on the router connected hardcabled configuration) ran the setup to set the IP address of the PINK, etc.· EVERYTHING works perfectly as long as it is hard wired to a router that is connected to the internet.· Then any computer that is connected to the router via either wireless OR Cat-5 can see and operate the embedded web page perfectly.· As soon as I try the direct computer to PINK via the crossover, I get one-way (view only) operation with no ability to post to the page.
Also possibly related - if I hook the pink up to a different router that is NOT connected to the internet - there is no communication (using the regular OR the crossover cable - I try everything just for the sake of knowing...! ).
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?· Is there something that gets set somewhere that makes teh PINK work ONLY in the configuration it was initially set up in?· My networks all support hard-coded IPs, I am not running DHCP (or whatever auto-assigning is called).
Thank you!!!!!!
Dave X
>· Wireless Router via Cat-5
> Computer via Cat-5 OR wireless
I can display the embedded web page, and post to it just fine in the above configuration.· Here's where teh oddities begin.
In the standalone configuration:
> Computer via CROSSOVER Cat-5
The computer can access the web page just fine - displays it and all its parts; HOWEVER - when I attempt to post the form on the page (which just writes back to itself into the Nb_vars) - it times out and shows a "Page cannot be displayed error".·
For the heck of it I tried to use a regular cat-5 cable, and of course I got nothing at all.
I (obviously, since it works on the router connected hardcabled configuration) ran the setup to set the IP address of the PINK, etc.· EVERYTHING works perfectly as long as it is hard wired to a router that is connected to the internet.· Then any computer that is connected to the router via either wireless OR Cat-5 can see and operate the embedded web page perfectly.· As soon as I try the direct computer to PINK via the crossover, I get one-way (view only) operation with no ability to post to the page.
Also possibly related - if I hook the pink up to a different router that is NOT connected to the internet - there is no communication (using the regular OR the crossover cable - I try everything just for the sake of knowing...! ).
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?· Is there something that gets set somewhere that makes teh PINK work ONLY in the configuration it was initially set up in?· My networks all support hard-coded IPs, I am not running DHCP (or whatever auto-assigning is called).
Thank you!!!!!!
Dave X
I wonder if this is some kind of firewall issue? With the changing of the configurations I can’t help but wonder. The PINK doesn’t require access to the internet short of referencing external links hard-coded into a page.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I found the answer to one question myself - I have been able to make the crossover cable setup work in the standalone, no router configuration. My WAN was enabled on the PC, but the LAN was disabled. I enabled the LAN connection and all was well. Since that was the most important issue, I am currently happy and need to attend to the other requirements, but when I get some time I will investigate why a WAN connection that should work doesn't unless the internet is hooked up as well.
I hope your weekend was good!
Dave X