How looking at the simplest phenomena can sometimes blow your mind
Well, after all, this is the sandbox....
It never ceases to amaze me how such simple things can often, upon a second glance, become inexplicably bizarre. Makes me wonder: how much do we really know about Nature? And how much do we think we know?
PS. No, I am not the Mark who posted that blog.
It never ceases to amaze me how such simple things can often, upon a second glance, become inexplicably bizarre. Makes me wonder: how much do we really know about Nature? And how much do we think we know?
PS. No, I am not the Mark who posted that blog.
"In the process, Dr. Houston and colleagues at Sandia and the University of Pittsburgh discovered that salt can be stretchy. Table salt, which consists of sodium and chloride ions lined up in a rigid crystal, is typically brittle.·But the Sandia researchers found that when they stuck the needle-like tip of an atomic microscope into a salt surface and then pulled, a strand of salt pulled loose and stretched. “We stumbled onto this nanostretching phenomenon quite by accident,” Dr. Houston said, adding, “It’s kind of like Silly Putty.” "
It's interesting that they say "...this system is still not fully understood - although it is clearly displaying liquid-like characteristics", …. because my first reaction is that since the sand is·in free-fall, and therefore "weightless to earth", the sand itself has microscopic gravitational interactions between the “other" particles of sand that are also in free fall... the same holds true with liquid.· It seems that this interaction is actually understood.· You see the same sort of clumping with the ball landing in the sand with the "after jet" of sand that shoots up from the center of impact (<-- That's actually analogous to a collapsing magnetic field and the back EMF 'spike' generated when a·coil becomes de-energized <-- another topic)· ... further in the article it does make mention that the clumping phenomenon is·possibly the basics for·"... formation of planetesimals/planets".· Although there are several other factors at work here I believe that the general·statement is reasonably accurate.
Very cool anyway, thanks
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 7/10/2009 5:32:59 PM GMT
Though i haven't done the calculations, and I really don't know how long this free-fall lasted, I don't think there's enough time for the sand's self gravity to have much effect on the sand particles. In outer space a bunch of sand would have plenty of time to clump up, so long as it wasn't blown around by the solar wind or by interstellar winds or mussed up by some tidal forces from other planets, etc. I thought about electrostatic effects, but it seems to me the most likely effect would be repulsion and not attraction since the sand particles would most likely start out with the same charge. Liquid liquids have surface tension which helps draw liquid drops into balls during weightlessness, and I'm not sure what the sand equivalent of surface tension would be. Are sand particles simply gregarious little creatures? Airflow might also play a part, but the clumps seem to remain plump in a direction I would expect them to start shearing if that were the case and they seem to make no attempt to become aerodynamic, as rain drops do. It just looks weird to me.
As for the ball hitting the sand, it's very similar to what happens when very large meteors hit a hard surface on a planet. There's this weird rebound ejection thing in the center even if the meteor vaporizes on impact, and on the craters of the moon you can sometimes see its result as a "pucker" in the crater's center.
Fun stuff, sandboxes! (Unless, of course, your building happens to be built on one.... sorry, Phil, it was nice knowing you.
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Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
(I understood that --- until the last word [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Asperity: "When the surfaces are subjected to a compressive load, the asperities plastically deform, increasing the contact area between the two surfaces ..." 2)
They clump like raindrops, with the leading edge rounding as it drops. (They're unlike raindrops, however, in that raindrops all have a micrograin of dust in the center, around which the water vapor condenses.)
What I'd be interested in seeing is what the sand does when the drop column is a full vacuum.
- H
I'm not buying this explanation. Sand particles don't use cell phones, apply cosmetics using a rear view mirror, Twitter, or get in their circa 1984 Cadillac and make their way to the Senior Center.
You'll have to do better than that.
1. 200 grains of sand are falling in single file, each with a randomly assigned terminal velocity (±5%).
2. Simulation starts with all grains having reached terminal velocity and evenly spaced, five vertical units apart.
3. Simulation progresses for 5000 steps. At each step, for each grain:
····a) The grain's position is decremented by its velocity.
····b) If it's within one vertical unit of the one below it, it's set to one vertical unit above that grain. (i.e. Grains are assumed to be one unit tall, and not able to pass or squish each other.)
4. At each 50th step, the positions of all the grains relative to the top grain are printed, along with the step number.
5. The printout is copied and pasted to Excel to create a scatter chart of the 201 time steps.
Here's the chart:
As you can see, slightly random terminal velocities are sufficient to cause the clumps to form and for small clumps to join to form bigger clumps. Van der Waals forces may well be necessary to keep the clumps from falling apart again due to the faster grains tumbling around the slower ones, but the grains start out too far apart for those forces to have an effect in forming the clumps.
Honestly, I'm very, very impressed by your efforts on this. Your results are clearly on the road toward a rational explanation of this phenomenon. And yet... I notice your resulting spacings seem to verge on random when compared to the quasi-periodicity I detect in the falling sand. Might other, more mysterious forces, be at work here? And why would falling sand grains experience different terminal velocities if we were to assume falling sand grains would experience very little air drag thanks to a kind of drafting effect of being inside a falling column? In other words, just for example, how different would be the terminal velocities of PSWPs (people skydiving without parachutes) if they were falling stacked atop one another a mile high through the air?
You get an A for effort. Your labor toward proving the ascendency of rational thought is duly noted. However.... the sands are still awaiting the grand hour of their secret's revelation.
Reviewing the movie again, I would have to say that neither the size nor the spacing of the various clumps appears anywhere near uniform.
Anyway, my simulation is very rudimentary and was meant only to provide a plausible explanation for clump morphogenesis, not so much for clump behavior after formation.
Of course you're right, Phil. I was just hoping to milk another cool simulation out of you.
But I'd also be willing to bet that, in addition to the effect you have so skillfully illustrated, there is some kind of resonance/oscillation phenomenon taking place at the pouring orifice, which gets enhanced as the particles move down and experience precisely what you've shown in your simulation.
my sincere thanks for working this out. I'm sure a lot of people will think twice now before applying cosmetics in their rear view mirror.