My Programming....Need Help!!
Posts: 9
MY Modified Program I'm using
my sensors arent reading right
·the left IR tells the rightside to slow down instead of speed up and my right IR isnt reading at all
'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]----------------- ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]--------------------- RightServo CON 12 LeftServo CON 13 GripServo CON 14 L_IR_out CON 11 Closing_IR_out CON 10 R_IR_out CON 9 L_IR_in VAR IN11 Closing_IR_in VAR IN10 R_IR_in VAR IN9 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]-------------------------- CloseGripper CON 700 OpenGripper CON 1200 LeftStop CON 750 RightStop CON 750 Object CON 0 NoObject CON 1 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Varibles ]--------------------------- left_IR VAR Bit right_IR VAR Bit closing_IR VAR Bit pulses VAR Word pulsewidth VAR Word ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------- DIR8 = %1 ' i believe this part is wrong DIR9 = %1 DIR11 = %1 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code ]--------------------------- GOSUB Open Look_For_Item: GOSUB Spin_Pulse GOSUB Read_LR_IRs IF right_IR AND left_IR = NoObject THEN Look_For_Item Center_On_Item: GOSUB Forward_Pulse GOSUB Zero_In GOSUB Read_Closing_IR IF closing_IR = Object THEN Move_Item 'else GOTO Center_On_Item Zero_In: GOSUB Read_LR_IRs IF left_IR = Object THEN Right_Pulse IF right_IR = Object THEN Left_Pulse RETURN Move_Item: GOSUB Close GOSUB Backward GOSUB Right GOSUB Forward GOSUB Open GOSUB Backward GOSUB Left GOSUB Left GOTO Look_For_Item ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine ]------------------------ Forward_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 RETURN Left_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 40 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 40 RETURN Right_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 40 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 40 RETURN Spin_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 RETURN Forward: FOR pulses = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Backward: FOR pulses = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Left: FOR pulses 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Right: FOR pulses 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Stay: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop PAUSE 20 RETURN Read_LR_IRs: FREQOUT L_IR_out, 1, 38500 left_IR = L_IR_in FREQOUT R_IR_out, 1, 38500 right_IR = R_IR_in RETURN Read_Closing_IR: FREQOUT Closing_IR_out, 1, 38500 closing_IR = ~Closing_in RETURN Open: FOR pulsewidth = CloseGripper TO OpenGripper STEP 10 PULSOUT GripServo, pulsewidth PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Close: FOR pulsewidth = OpenGripper TO CloseGripper STEP 10 PULSOUT GripServo, pulsewidth PAUSE 10 NEXT RETURN
MY Modified Program I'm using
'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description ]----------------- ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]--------------------- RightServo CON 12 LeftServo CON 13 GripServo CON 14 LinearActuatorServo CON 15 L_IR_out CON 11 Closing_IR_out CON 10 R_IR_out CON 9 L_IR_in VAR IN11 Closing_IR_in VAR IN10 R_IR_in VAR IN9 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]-------------------------- CloseGripper CON 1200 OpenGripper CON 100 CloseActuator CON 800 OpenActuator CON 100 LeftStop CON 750 RightStop CON 750 Object CON 0 NoObject CON 1 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Varibles ]--------------------------- left_IR VAR Bit right_IR VAR Bit closing_IR VAR Bit pulses VAR Word pulsewidth VAR Word ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------- DIR9 = %1 ' I changed this part DIR10 = %1 DIR11 = %1 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code ]--------------------------- GOSUB Test_Gripper_System Test_Gripper_System: GOSUB Close GOSUB Lift GOSUB Drop GOSUB Open GOSUB Lift GOSUB Close GOSUB Open GOSUB Drop GOTO Look_For_Item Look_For_Item: GOSUB Spin_Pulse GOSUB Read_LR_IRs IF right_IR AND left_IR = NoObject THEN Look_For_Item Center_On_Item: GOSUB Forward_Pulse GOSUB Zero_In GOSUB Read_Closing_IR IF closing_IR = Object THEN Move_Item 'else GOTO Center_On_Item Zero_In: GOSUB Read_LR_IRs IF left_IR = Object THEN Right_Pulse IF right_IR = Object THEN Left_Pulse RETURN Move_Item: GOSUB Close GOSUB Lift GOSUB Backward GOSUB Right GOSUB Forward GOSUB Stay 'I thought it was strange that there was a Stay in the Subroutine GOSUB Drop 'but not in the Main Code GOSUB Open GOSUB Backward GOSUB Left GOSUB Left GOTO Look_For_Item ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine ]------------------------ Forward_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 RETURN Left_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 40 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 40 RETURN Right_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 40 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 40 RETURN Spin_Pulse: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 RETURN Forward: FOR pulses = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Backward: FOR pulses = 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Left: FOR pulses 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop - 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Right: FOR pulses 0 TO 50 PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop + 140 PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop + 140 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Stay: PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop PULSOUT LeftServo, LeftStop PAUSE 20 RETURN Read_LR_IRs: FREQOUT L_IR_out, 1, 38500 left_IR = L_IR_in FREQOUT R_IR_out, 1, 38500 right_IR = R_IR_in RETURN Read_Closing_IR: FREQOUT Closing_IR_out, 1, 38500 closing_IR = ~Closing_in RETURN Open: FOR pulsewidth = CloseGripper TO OpenGripper STEP 10 PULSOUT GripServo, pulsewidth PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Close: FOR pulsewidth = OpenGripper TO CloseGripper STEP 10 PULSOUT GripServo, pulsewidth PAUSE 10 NEXT RETURN Lift: FOR pulsewidth = CloseActuator TO OpenActuator STEP 1 PULSOUT LinearActuatorServo, pulsewidth PAUSE 10 NEXT RETURN Drop: FOR pulsewidth = OpenAcuator TO CloseActuator STEP 10 PULSOUT LinearActuatorServo, pulswidth PAUSE 10 NEXT RETURN
my sensors arent reading right
·the left IR tells the rightside to slow down instead of speed up and my right IR isnt reading at all
Try calling the Main code "Main:" I'm not sure if this will help but I see no way to get back to Your Main code with out calling it Main:.
I assume the code compiled OK, I really don't see anything Else wrong on a quick read through.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
- Stephen
Have you made any of the changes suggested? If so, what were those results?
Joshua Donelson
its as an attachment..... i still have issues with my programming....i no longer have access to a computer with the stamp software.. is there an online version of this software??? if not is its possible to bring my robot to your company??
btw thanks for the help its much appreciated... however my robot is a combination of Vex, Gears, and the BoeBot kits
im entering this robot into the California State Fair....
·so i need to get everything done before Saturday...
my only computer i had access to that had the software·was at my High School
Unfortunately we do not have an online version of the software; so it will be difficult to change any programs.
We don’t have any labs for you to program the robot with either, do you have any friends that you can use their PC? The software is a free download, or you can use a CD to get the software to run so it wouldn’t be hard to install. Just need to have a PC.
Joshua Donelson
Add debug as suggested to see your error.
FOR pulses 0 TO 50
· DEBUG ? pulse
· PULSOUT RightServo, RightStop - 140
· PULSOUT LeftServo,· LeftStop··- 140
· PAUSE 20
As suggested by forum members - simplify and divide your program to find coding errors.
DEBUG is your friend.
Cheers Vaclav
when i debuged my the pulses i found out that CON 12 turned out to be Malfuntioning... so i rewired everything and debuged my sensors.. AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?!
My Robot Is Fulling Functioning NOW!!!!!
everything is working and thats all thanks to you the parallax members!!!
i dont think i would've got this done in time especiaally the fact i wrote this code practically by myself....
Again I would like to thank everyone who helped this 17 year old High School Student out... It was all very helpfull