First Mini Monster bot almost done Ping question
· Thanks to all the parallax community for helping me. I got my first bot roaming and realise the servo motors have no power. Left it on 2 hrs not watched for 2 hrs. Using a 7.2 v rc battery but servo motors have no balls. Electronics worked fine and alot of software to learn. Boebot is a good learning tool but bird wants real robots. Soon a video will be presented when everything works. The brain works, now to the body. Ran 2 hrs. on a 7.2 v R/C battery with 3 battery packs. One just for the optics, two for electronics and three for motor. Just wondering how far can a ping pickup ( in inches)? Seems IR does most the work. ·I am desighning my bot for outdoors. Works around the house OK. Did alot for a homework board.Any help would be appreciatted.
The more you learn the more you find you don't know. It is neverending. Confucous 550 BC
The more you learn the more you find you don't know. It is neverending. Confucous 550 BC
It utilizes the servo with Ping sensor.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 7/14/2009 3:42:42 PM GMT