Stamp editor V2.2.5
I am having real grief with my Stamp editing software - V2.2.5. I am sure there is a newer version out by now.
No I am not computer stupid.... I have been doing this long enough.
The trouble I have is that the save function is nothing short of totally useless.
If I save a project with multiple program slots, it writes over the slots of other programs - usually earlier editions of the software I am writing.
Surely if I save the first slot of a program and name it something new, any associated slots should save as new versions associated with the new program name, not overwrite the slots of other earlier versions (if that makes any sense).
I have ended up with no working copies of some software I have been working on for about a year.
No I am not computer stupid.... I have been doing this long enough.
The trouble I have is that the save function is nothing short of totally useless.
If I save a project with multiple program slots, it writes over the slots of other programs - usually earlier editions of the software I am writing.
Surely if I save the first slot of a program and name it something new, any associated slots should save as new versions associated with the new program name, not overwrite the slots of other earlier versions (if that makes any sense).
I have ended up with no working copies of some software I have been working on for about a year.

Go to the main Parallax webpage and click on the Resources tab. In the list of links that you get, click on Downloads, then Stamp Software.