Status register SPI mode of Vinculum ( VDIP1 )
I use the Vinculum of FTDI in SPI mode
Have you a documentation of status register
also· bit· RXF#· ( bit0)
··········· TXE#· (bit1)
··········· RXF IRQEn· (bit4)
··········· TXE IRQEn·· (bit5)
So when I want read the status register
and when there aren't caractere in buffer RX what is the value
of RXF#
is 0 or 1 ?
And when I receive a caractere ( buffer full )
Thank you
I use the Vinculum of FTDI in SPI mode
Have you a documentation of status register
also· bit· RXF#· ( bit0)
··········· TXE#· (bit1)
··········· RXF IRQEn· (bit4)
··········· TXE IRQEn·· (bit5)
So when I want read the status register
and when there aren't caractere in buffer RX what is the value
of RXF#
is 0 or 1 ?
And when I receive a caractere ( buffer full )
Thank you