In chapter 6 of Applied Sensors, Figure 6-2 which are the functions of R 100 ohm and R 10 ohm 1 watt between transistor and pump? According to this activity pump needs 300 mA at 3 VDC?
The 100 Ohm base resistor (as well as the 10 Ohm resistor and the motor resistance) limits the base current from the Stamp to something less than 25mA. More could damage the Stamp I/O pin.
The 10 Ohm resistor limits the current through the motor since the motor is designed for use with a 3V supply and the motor circuit is powered from the 5V regulated supply.
The 10 Ohm resistor limits the current through the motor since the motor is designed for use with a 3V supply and the motor circuit is powered from the 5V regulated supply.