Anyone have any tips or tricks to using chaining two stamps together?· How do you program the second stamp?· How do they communicate?· Anyone have a link to a NV article or Stamp forum that covers this for beginners?· Thanks!
Post Edited (The Doctor) : 6/29/2009 6:31:11 PM GMT
Post Edited (The Doctor) : 6/29/2009 6:31:11 PM GMT
I haven't look at the two columns listed, But if you take a look at the CASE statement it will help you with the timing differences between one Stamp and another!
Read through the Parallax syntax manual for PBasic. It has all the info you need to convert the timing!
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
What you want to do is to have one of the Stamps as a Master, and the other(s) as slaves, then it becomes fairly easy to make a good communication scheme.
You use the SEROUT and SERIN serial commands to communicate. I use 2400 baud, which works seemlessly.
I've had to add a WAIT parameter to my SERIN command on the Slave, because there is a lot of noise getting through, the SERIN on the slave gets triggered too often.
So my SERIN on the Slave looks like this:
SERIN pMasterRX, N2400, 500, Main, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("!"), STR mystring\3]
I don't use flow control, as described in the Nuts&Volts column, but it is OK to use that.
Look in the nuts&volts column, it's very informative.
Don't worry. Be happy
Don't worry. Be happy