A few questions about SOUND devices
First the SoundPAL - Nice device, plays good music... How can I turn the Volume down??
Second, how or where can I get or build a device to make Creature and/or Robotic Noises (Cheeps, Purrrs, R2-D2, etc.)?
Third the EMIC TTS Module, I am using a RadioShack miniature 8ohm 350mW speaker and even at 7 the volume is too low. Can somebody point me to a better miniature speaker or a simple to construct amplifier circuit I could build?
I am trying to build a sort of cat and mouse demonstration with 2 BOE-BOTS. Its been years since I did much with electronics, I am by profession a programmer. The BOE-BOTS are running fine and I am playing with various sensors (Ping, etc.) to get the behaviors I want find tuned. Just having a little trouble with the Sound stuff.
Thanks A Lot!
- Transformers Rock!
Second, how or where can I get or build a device to make Creature and/or Robotic Noises (Cheeps, Purrrs, R2-D2, etc.)?
Third the EMIC TTS Module, I am using a RadioShack miniature 8ohm 350mW speaker and even at 7 the volume is too low. Can somebody point me to a better miniature speaker or a simple to construct amplifier circuit I could build?
I am trying to build a sort of cat and mouse demonstration with 2 BOE-BOTS. Its been years since I did much with electronics, I am by profession a programmer. The BOE-BOTS are running fine and I am playing with various sensors (Ping, etc.) to get the behaviors I want find tuned. Just having a little trouble with the Sound stuff.
Thanks A Lot!
- Transformers Rock!

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Should give me some ideas
I Located the LM386 as specified and I wired it up using the Typical Applications circuit. When I try to hook the AOUT pin of the EMIC to the Vin of the Amp circuit I get no sound. When I hook the SP+ pin to the Vin I get amplified sound but it is distorted and extremely hard to decipher. The SP- pin makes no difference whether I hook it to ground or leave it floating.
I wasn't able to get the .05uF or 250uF electrolyte from our local Radio Shack and .047 and 220 were the closest ones. These are within a 20% tolerance... Is this good enough? Could this be causing my distortion or should I look elsewhere?
Maybe you could post your circuit or send it to me as a PM or email it to me?
- Thanks for any help!