Is it possible to sample luminance of black and white PAL video signal using pr
Posts: 5
Is it possible to sample luminance of black and white PAL video signal using propeller ?
Here is what I would like to do:
1. wait for VSync...
2.To wait for HSync...
To sample N luminances (system clock would be adjusted to some fixed ratio of pixel rate frequncy) and put them into COG ram - or Ram ?
repeat 2.
If N is large, information wouldn't fit into one cogs ram...
Is it possible to transfer one line info into RAM while incoming video signal is outside the interesting part of picture ?
Or is it better to use two cogs alternating on each line ?
What is bigest precision that can be achieved ?
Is it maybe possible to extract chroma information or is it to much to ask ? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Here is what I would like to do:
1. wait for VSync...
2.To wait for HSync...
To sample N luminances (system clock would be adjusted to some fixed ratio of pixel rate frequncy) and put them into COG ram - or Ram ?
repeat 2.
If N is large, information wouldn't fit into one cogs ram...
Is it possible to transfer one line info into RAM while incoming video signal is outside the interesting part of picture ?
Or is it better to use two cogs alternating on each line ?
What is bigest precision that can be achieved ?
Is it maybe possible to extract chroma information or is it to much to ask ? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Could I interpret one line as a serial data stream ?
Would use of counters help ?
And how would I do it exactly ? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
What if luminance value would be a stream that looked like this "1xxx..........xxx0" ?
Could that be interpreted as serial data with start and stop bit ?
Maybe it would help if I would tell what am I thinking to use it for [noparse]:)[/noparse]
How much information could be outputted through video output of old computers that use PAL/NTSC tv signal and how much of that could be captured by propeller ?
Average 8bit computer showed 320x200 picture. That is 8000 bytes.. Even more if shades could be used...
That means that with changing screen data pointers in few frames some of them could output almost whole memory through one wire !
Have no idea why would it be useful [noparse]:)[/noparse]
but it sounds interesting enough [noparse]:)[/noparse]
What if one cog would capture one scan line of data (extracted from luminance),
in the next line second cog starts capturing next scan line,
while the first cog starts outputing new tv (or VGA) signal constructed from captured data, but with different characteristics (resolution, colors...)
Or capture number of lines.. (320 pixels would be 40 bytes... there is enough cog ram for more than couple of lines..)
Maybe capture whole frame and display it on vga while second frame is being grabed....
Flicker fixer (convert pal to vga ?)
Or interpret that data in some other way ...
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
You cannot feed the video signal directly into the Prop without some sort of comparator or buffer as the level will be too low for the Prop to detect as a "high".
I found "stupid video capture".
Looks great, seams to work, just what I wanted [noparse]:)[/noparse]
It does 5bit sampling at 2.5 MHz.
It means its quite easy to do 2bit sampling at 10MHz...
And I need only 1 bit at 8MHz... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
PS: Take a look at "Stupider Video Capture" to see what I did with my PSM [noparse]:)[/noparse]
My Prop Info&Apps: ·
I also found this:
it claims 80Mhz... tha should be more than enough [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Im ordering my new demo board and then I can try it.....
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