Lynxmotion Quadrapod & Parallax Electronics (lost)
· I got this item off Ebay last year and decided to take a break from my Boe Bot and fire this thing up. It was a self engineered unit made from components and never walked. I can see why the student put it on Ebay. I am using Crustcrawler software and the start up alighnment didn't work from day one. After about 10 hrs. of trial and error I finally figured how to set home positions and got it to walk backwards when instructed to go forwards. Better then quivering on the floor when I got it. I can live with that. I was able to set the legs 90 degrees from the floor and offset the front and back legs around 45 degrees from the body. It is a good solidly built machine but the mechnical specs. are miles off from the crustcrawler. Just one leg lists for $60 without servos. Using a BS2 board with a LED APP module and an older version Parallax multi servo driver. All electronics are good. I was wondering if anyone has attempted this before? I seen this model on Utube and it walked as gracefull a dancer. lol I know the software is way beyond a newbe like me and just seeking a better program or help with a decision to throw it back to Ebay. Even used was not cheap. Included is the software and a pic. Appreciate any help I can get but don't expect too much unless I get someone that did this before.
All legs at neutral
LF and RR legs lift and swing forward fully.
LF and RR legs drop and support the robot.
RF and LR legs lift and swing forward fully.
RF and LR legs drop and support the robot.
Goto WalkForward
So then you just have to figure out how to make one leg do what you want.· The rear leg on the same side will be the same, the legs on the right side will be the same but in reverse.