problem about code
[size=2][code] [color=green]' {$STAMP BS2e} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' '================================================= ======[/color] #SELECT $STAMP #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE T2400 CON 396 T4800 CON 188 T9600 CON 84 T19K2 CON 32 #ENDSELECT [color=green]'------------------------------------------------------- ' I/O Definitions '-------------------------------------------------------[/color] TX PIN 0'Serial Transmit line from eb500-SER RX PIN 1'Serial Receive line to eb500-SER Send PIN 15'send gps data GPS_In PIN 10 'GPS Data in [color=green]'------------------------------------------------------- ' Variables '-------------------------------------------------------[/color] RecCount VAR Byte nCount VAR Nib x VAR Nib GPSData VAR Byte(24) [color=green]'GPS Data from module[/color] GPS_Baud CON T4800 [color=green]' 4800,8,N,1 [/color]eb500_Baud CON T9600 [color=green]' 9600,8,N,1[/color] [color=green]'------------- First Screen ---------------[/color] DEBUG [color=red]"GPS Tracking: "[/color] PAUSE 2000 Initialize: RecCount = 0 [color=green]'----------------------------------------------------------- ' Main program '-----------------------------------------------------------[/color] Main: GOSUB DisplayData [color=green]'LCD Dispaly GPS Data[/color] PAUSE 1000 [color=green]'About per sample/per 1 sec.[/color] GOTO Main 'END [color=green]'-----------------------------------------------------[/color] [color=green]'************************************************* ********** ' Change GPS Data format "xxxx.xxxx,N,xxxxx.xxxx,W" ' to Google Earth Data format "xxxx.xxxx,-xxxxx.xxxx" '************************************************* ********** 'DEBUG GPSData(11),CR [/color]IF GPSData(11) = "N" THEN GPSData(0) = " " ELSE GPSData(0) = "-" ENDIF 'DEBUG GPSData(24),CR IF GPSData(24) = "W" THEN GPSData(12) = "-" ELSE GPSData(12) = " " ENDIF GPSData(11)= " " 'DEBUG STR GPSData\23,CR SEROUT TX, eb500_Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]STR GPSData\23, CR,"!!"] 'Data recording RETURN '----------------------------------------------------- DisplayData: GOSUB LCD_GPS_Data DEBUG STR GPSData\11 FOR x = 0 TO 12 GPSData(x) = GPSData(x+12) NEXT DEBUG STR GPSData\12 RETURN '------------------------------------------------------- LCD_GPS_Time: GPSData(6) = 0 SERIN GPS_In, GPS_Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("$GPRMC"), SKIP 1, STR GPSData\6] RETURN '------------------------------------------------------- LCD_GPS_data: GPSData(24) = 0 SERIN GPS_In, GPS_Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("$GPRMC"), SKIP 13, STR GPSData\24] RETURN '------------------------------------------------------- Rec_GPS_data: GPSData(24) = 0 SERIN GPS_In, GPS_Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT ("$GPRMC"), SKIP 12, STR GPSData\25] RETURN PAUSE 1000 DEBUG "Connection established",CR 'Connect to the remote device SEROUT TX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]"con 00:0C:84:00:05:29",CR] SERIN RX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("ACK",CR)] 'Wait for the connection to be established and switch into data mode. 'When switching into data mode, a 300ms timeout is required to give the 'module enough time to make the change. WaitForConnection: DEBUG "Connecting " IF IN5 = 0 THEN WaitForConnection HIGH 6 PAUSE 300 FOR nCount = 1 TO 1 SERIN RX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("GPS",CR)] HIGH 2 PAUSE 500 NEXT DEBUG "Preparing to send SMS message...", CR SEROUT TX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]"AT+CMGF=1",CR] PAUSE 500 SERIN RX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("OK",CR)] PAUSE 500 DEBUG "Sending SMS message...", CR SEROUT TX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]"AT+CMGS=",$22,"XXXXXXXXX",$22,CR] PAUSE 500 SEROUT TX,eb500_Baud ,[noparse][[/noparse]STR GPSdata\23, $1A] PAUSE 500 'Switch off GPS SERIN RX,GPS_Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("TO",CR)] DEBUG "Turn off GPS" LOW 2 PAUSE 500 SEROUT TX,GPS_Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Turn off GPS",CR] PAUSE 1000
··My project is to send gps data to hyperterminal, but there is something wrong in my code.It stops in·debug gps data, and· it does not send·any data to hyperterminal by bluetooth .
- Stephen