increasing pot resistance via bs2
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Posts: 124
i have a 2 axis bowmar joystick that i want to control a motor with. the joystick has 2- 5k pots. i need 2-50k resistance pots for the motor control. these are mil spec precise parts so i want to stay stock with the joystick. is there any way to increase the resistance of my 5k pots, for example multiplying it by a factor of 10, via a bs2 so i can use the stock 5k pots, yet get 0-50k resistance out of the stamp.
it would be very difficult to replace the stock parts with 50k pots.
it would be very difficult to replace the stock parts with 50k pots.
Yes. You'll have to find the digital pot though. I haven't seen a 50k dig. pot, But I haven't been looking for one ether. If You find one, then a simple RCTIME statement will do the trick. Take a look at EXP.#26 in the Stamp Works Manule. SW20-EX26-Servo_Control.BS2.
This will help You in driving the Dig. Pot.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
The DS1267-50 is a 50k dual pot version that can easily be controlled with a BS2
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.