Stupider Video Capture
I've combined Perry's "stupid video capture" with my PSM (Propeller System Module) to make PropTV!
I'm using one PSM to run "Graphics Demo" (recognize it?) and another to capture the video...
It's actually not bad, considering...· I think it's updating the LCD at about 10 fps, but that can be improved...
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I'm using one PSM to run "Graphics Demo" (recognize it?) and another to capture the video...
It's actually not bad, considering...· I think it's updating the LCD at about 10 fps, but that can be improved...
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Got Electrons?
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But I can't grasp if the box is getting bigger or smaller?
Propalyzer: Propeller PC Logic Analyzer
I estimate you want to build a propeller I-phone
Which circuit of the thread did you use?
I also want to add in two ADCs for audio so that it really is like a TV...
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Hey Ray,
Can you repost these images, the new forum seems to have corrupted them and I can't find the thread in the old forum.
I can find them either...
The Google index is still out of whack, but in a good way. The Google search results are out of date, but just change the domain to parallaxinc for the search result that looks like what you want.
I did a Google search for "proptv.jpg"
The third result was:
Stupider Video Capture :: Parallax Forums
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jun 16, 2009
Image Attachment : Image Preview PropTV.JPG 994KB (image/pjpeg) ... JPG 997KB (image/pjpeg). This image has been viewed 72 time(s). ...
I clicked on the link, which gave me the expected 404 error, then changed the address to
But, I'm staying peeved until all my attachments are fixed...