RPG Game For SX
Hi All,
This a project my son and I billed over the weekend, this is RPG Game, you are a player in a real life, real time. How it works, when you first turn on you Laser (IR) system it will start looking for someone to play. When it finds a person that has the same system, it will ask it that player is willing to start a game. Now you have 30min to find that player, the system is RF and the player can be up to 1km away, as soon as you think you see the player you press the button, The first player to get hit by the IR lose.
You will need 2x SX28, 2xLCD screen, 2RF modems ( I am using the nRF905 ) but you can use Parallax you will have to re-program the TX/RX code. 2x IR Led , and· 2xIR Receivers, 4x buttons, and some parts.
I’ll post a schematic later, but if you look at the code you can see PIN’S and ware to put them, E.G: IR ····· PIN RA.3 INPUT is IR Led, ·Spkr· PIN RA.2 OUTPUT is for the· sound.
Well have fun, any help to make this game better will be grate, you never know maybe this game will get the kids off the play station and out the house.
This a project my son and I billed over the weekend, this is RPG Game, you are a player in a real life, real time. How it works, when you first turn on you Laser (IR) system it will start looking for someone to play. When it finds a person that has the same system, it will ask it that player is willing to start a game. Now you have 30min to find that player, the system is RF and the player can be up to 1km away, as soon as you think you see the player you press the button, The first player to get hit by the IR lose.
You will need 2x SX28, 2xLCD screen, 2RF modems ( I am using the nRF905 ) but you can use Parallax you will have to re-program the TX/RX code. 2x IR Led , and· 2xIR Receivers, 4x buttons, and some parts.
I’ll post a schematic later, but if you look at the code you can see PIN’S and ware to put them, E.G: IR ····· PIN RA.3 INPUT is IR Led, ·Spkr· PIN RA.2 OUTPUT is for the· sound.
Well have fun, any help to make this game better will be grate, you never know maybe this game will get the kids off the play station and out the house.
game tools