Prop Wireless Communication Some Guidance needed
Brian Carpenter
Posts: 728
i have a need to communicate between props in a localized area of about 400 feet. I will have one propeller as the 'base station' and then several (2-4) other props as the remote locations. I need to have bidirectional comms with each one. Each will need to update the 'base station' and vise versa. can this be accomplished by using the parallax 433 mhz transmitters and recievers. This solutions seams clunky as it would seem that each would have to have the transmitter and Reciever on it. An then lies the problem of managing the comms (who's turn is it to talk). Would my problems be any simpler with the Xbee devices? Please let me know what you all think. Thanks
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It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!