max 6954 and double P DB
I just got a·dip·6954 to reduce pin consumption. When I was almost finished hooking it up and looking at where to hook up the digit select pins I noticed that they are different for each digit(duh right?) then looked at other pins at different digits and noticed they are different too.
I'm pretty sure that I can't use this chip w/the board, but would like a 2nd opinion.
I have a SSOP 6956, but I dont wanna·drive over to Fry's to get a board to solder it to. I'm pretty sure it's inevitable th0ugh.
I'm pretty sure that I can't use this chip w/the board, but would like a 2nd opinion.
I have a SSOP 6956, but I dont wanna·drive over to Fry's to get a board to solder it to. I'm pretty sure it's inevitable th0ugh.

Propalyzer: Propeller PC Logic Analyzer
Post Edited (BADHABIT) : 6/7/2009 5:41:35 PM GMT