Internal clock in the sumo-bot

The sumo competition rules in Switzerland·say that after 85 seconds the sumo roboter has to stand still, i.e. to shut itself down.
I hope that somebody has a good idea how to program an internal clock in the sumo's basic wrestler program.
Thanks for any help
- Stephen
thank you for the idea.
Perhaps you see a different approach without a 555-chip.
Actually I only want to implement a couple of program steps, something like a "GOSUB".
On the other hand, I've never programmed a 555-timer-chip and that's why I don't have a clue how to do it.
2) The Stamp used in the Sumo-Bot does not have an internal clock. It does have an internal oscillator and uses that for determining timing for statements like PULSOUT and PAUSE, but there's no cumulative time unless you build it into your program.
Thank you for all of that.
I'm going to give it a try with the NE555.