I do hope everyone realized I was talking about the post sylvie369 was quoting re: super heavy elements and FTL travel and that you will forgive the bull doodle expletive.
last IQ test i took I got a 150. But my ADD kills my productivity. Save the world sure. If we each turned off lights when we leave a room and stop using disposable stuff we would already start making a difference. Between all of us we have to add up some where in the thousands. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
mctrivia, I already do pretty much everything that has been suggested to lower energy use at home, but more needs to be done. The home needs to be automated to take advantage of passive solar heating and insulated blinds in winter, cooling with outside air in summer, etc. It sounds like a job for a prop Home Controller system.
All the levels of government also need to get more involved.
Municipalities need to plan new subdivisions so homes are oriented to take maximum advantage of passive solar heating.
Traffic lights need to be timed better to improve traffic flow and reduce idling.
Suburbs need arterial roads with fewer traffic lights, better timing of lights, and fewer other traffic obstructions. Where I live (Brampton) they do a better than average job, but there is still room for improvement.
Street lights could be placed further apart to reduce the total numbers.
This is only a partial list. I am sure there are many other ideas out there so I will start another thread for it.
Figure out how to TAP the Aurora Borealis, or the Northern lights.( The Plasma stream from the SUN)
This is really electrical energy from the SUN. It charges Our planet 24/7.
I also think that Kwinn has pointed out the most important part about this post!
To get a job with goggle, You need to have an IQ of 145 or higher. As much as I'd like to think I'm smart, A pathetic 133 wont do it.
Are We up to saving the world?
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
Do I think we can make nuclear fusion. Yes I already know how but it is absolutely usless(http://www.brian-mcdermott.com/fusion_is_easy.htm). Can we make cold fusion probably not.
propmod_us and propmod_1x1 are now in stock. Only $30. PCB available for $5
Need to upload large images or movies for use in the forum. you can do so at uploader.propmodule.com for free.
All the levels of government also need to get more involved.
Municipalities need to plan new subdivisions so homes are oriented to take maximum advantage of passive solar heating.
Traffic lights need to be timed better to improve traffic flow and reduce idling.
Suburbs need arterial roads with fewer traffic lights, better timing of lights, and fewer other traffic obstructions. Where I live (Brampton) they do a better than average job, but there is still room for improvement.
Street lights could be placed further apart to reduce the total numbers.
This is only a partial list. I am sure there are many other ideas out there so I will start another thread for it.