Proteus ISIS Propeller Library Part
Hi All,
Have any Proteus users created a library part for the Parallax Propeller. If not will lay this out myself along with all the other devices require. Have already made a good start on the Philips SAA series of Teletext devices.
With regards
Have any Proteus users created a library part for the Parallax Propeller. If not will lay this out myself along with all the other devices require. Have already made a good start on the Philips SAA series of Teletext devices.
With regards
I use ISIS in my simulations and if You Build libry part for simulate Propeller I'm very interested on it.
I have only build diagram part to posiblity for generate PCB layouts
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Hi mike,
I am intrigued to what you are doing with the Teletext chips. I have a little problem with "Teletext" signalling at work.