Simple low power isolated power supply
Hi All,
I have a panel meter that I would like to use to monitor the voltage of a battery bank. The meter isn't common ground, so it can't read its own power supply. So, I need a simple isolated power supply that can provide 9V or so at a couple of mA. I don't want to use 9V batteries. The only AC available is from an inverter running from the battery bank, but I don't want the losses involved in a transformer set up. Any ideas how I can take the 12V from the battery bank and isolate 9V from it?
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I have a panel meter that I would like to use to monitor the voltage of a battery bank. The meter isn't common ground, so it can't read its own power supply. So, I need a simple isolated power supply that can provide 9V or so at a couple of mA. I don't want to use 9V batteries. The only AC available is from an inverter running from the battery bank, but I don't want the losses involved in a transformer set up. Any ideas how I can take the 12V from the battery bank and isolate 9V from it?
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TI has some modules for producing up to 1W:
It looks like these cost maybe $5 to $10 in 1K quantities. I don't know what they'd cost in singles. You might be able to get a sample.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 6/3/2009 4:22:29 PM GMT
That's not the answer I wanted!! :-0
But thanks. I had a feeling it might be that way.
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It looks like the 4011 used only has an output current of about 2mA, probably not enough for your needs. You might be able to use a different IC with a higher output current. The 74AC00 might work. It can handle up to 24mA.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 6/3/2009 5:16:34 PM GMT
Thanks for digging up that schematic! I happen to have all the parts on hand so I'll give that a shot.
As a backup plan, I can use a super cap and a DPDT momentary switch. Press the button, charge the cap and the meter will run for a little while, long enough for me to read the voltage. It's been running for 15 mins so far on a .5F cap charged to 9V. Has the advantage of not using juice when I'm NOT looking at the meter. Although the meter draws only a mA or so.
Still, I'm going to build the circuit you linked and play with that. Good stuff to learn if nothing else.
Thanks again!
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Thank For sharing that link to the one capacitor isolated 9V supply
I might have a use for that some time soon
··Thanks for any·
Actually, I'll have to use a 12V vreg, as the batteries are occasionally equalized at 15.5 - 16VDC. I plan on trying out some switch mode regs for better effeciency. Its funny how one starts counting EVERY watt when off the grid. Keeps you honest! :-0
Thanks for the help.
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I want to build the circuit to power a panel meter of the car which require isolated 9V supply, but the circuit does not show any connection to pin 7 & 14 of the IC? How are these IC pins connected? Are the left open?
If I do not use part "OK1" in the circuit but in oreder to regulate the voltage put a 9V zener in paralle to C5 will it work? I would use a fixed voltage regulator 7809 to reduce the input voltage fron 12v to 9V.
can you explain what leads are to be connected to these pins for the circuit to work?
Thanks for that link Mike! So many cool things to experiment with!!!
Pin 7 goes to the ground or negative side, and pin 14 goes to the positive side of the power supply that is providing power to the circuit.
BTW the C1 and C2 voltage rating needs to be high enough to withstand any difference between the supplying and supplied circuits. Don't try to power a circuit floating at 500V with capacitors rated for 100V. Results in loud noises, smoke, and flames.
The C1 & C2 cpacitance value in not shown in the schematic , I guess it is 1 nF, same as C3 & C4. I would use 25V or higher rating for these capacitors, is it OK.
My second question is, If I do not use part "OK1" in the circuit but in order to regulate the voltage, put a 9V zener in parallel to C5 will it work?