Posts: 5,770
Does anyone know how to modify the supplied Tiny Basic
so it runs on the HYDRA without resets, after the HYDRA
is power cycled?
so it runs on the HYDRA without resets, after the HYDRA
is power cycled?
understand it, and those that do understand it are simply
too busy with other projects? If someone can direct me to
the proper direction with some hints and tips for a fix, I
would be willing to take some time and effort to make it work.
I would guess the unwanted "language resets" have
something to do with the memory location where it loads.
However, what does a power recycle do upset the language?
I think you need to be a little more specific. Which particular version of Basic are you referring to? There's lots available for the Prop - I've run most of them, and not seen the problem you describe. But I don't recall any specifically called "Tiny Basic".
Perhaps if you posted a link, or the source to the program that's giving you trouble.
Catalina - a FREE C compiler for the Propeller - see Catalina
I think what humanoido was talking about was the Tiny Basic that was part of the Hydra source from the "Game Programming for the Propeller Powered Hydra." I don't know if the code is 'public' anymore (it was at one time linked off of the Hydra page in the "Store" section).
@humanoido -- It was RGW_TinyBasic_010.spin, right?
I haven't ever had the code 'reset' istelf, but I did notice that the code still had:
_clkmode = xtal2 + pll8x ' enable external clock and pll times 8
_xinfreq = 10_000_000 + 0000 ' set frequency to 10 MHZ plus some error
I think the " + 0000" on the frequency was a correction factor for the first run of the Hydra (had to do with their crystals).
(see thread: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=808004 for other ideas)
I commented out the use of RGW_FullDuplex.spin in the code that I had. Don't know if that had any benificial effect.
As far as the memory issue, I haven't delved into the 'inner workings' of TinyBasic as Mike Green has. He might have an answer for you as far as the memory overwriting itself, etc. You might be able to compare the TinyBasic source code to his FemtoBasic code to see what he might have changed.· Sorry I can't be of more help though [noparse]:([/noparse]
I·will see if I·can get what you described to happen on a Proto/Demo board configuration.···