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About the Parallax RFID Rectangle Tags ( Parallax Code 28141 ) — Parallax Forums

About the Parallax RFID Rectangle Tags ( Parallax Code 28141 )

markustermarkuster Posts: 184
edited 2009-06-01 20:56 in BASIC Stamp

I have a BS2-IC Stamp and a Card Reader.
The Card Reader is not from Parallax.

I would like to buy the Parallax RFID Rectangle Tag ( Parallax Code 28141 )

Do you know the technical specifications about the
Parallax RFID Rectangle Tags of Parallax?
( Code 28141 )

Thanks , Mark


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2009-05-31 04:26
    They are 125khz passive tags. The tag sends a start byte, 10 data bytes and a stop byte. It is hard to know without testing if they will work with your system but if the frequencys are the same it might not hurt to try.

    - Stephen
  • markustermarkuster Posts: 184
    edited 2009-06-01 19:10

    I think that Parallax could add more information about the product because
    this information : "54mm x 85mm Rectangle Tag" is absolutely

    It is very important to know about the manufacturer tech. specifications.

    I would like to buy some cards and I don't want surprises.

    For this reason all information available will be usefull.
    Thanks, Mark
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2009-06-01 20:56
    Since the tags sold by Parallax are intended to be used and work with their readers ( and do so well) there needs to be no other info. If you need a tag for your specific reader you should go to a site that makes tags and can give you specific info on what works with your reader. What reader are you trying to use?

    - Stephen
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