First Hydra boot-up with 128Kb Chip, nothing loads when a breakout-like game is
I recently hooked up a Hydra game developer I got for Christmas. The Parallaxaroids game loaded fine. (Meteors couldn't hit me and I couldn't shoot them, which I thought was strange. If that has anything to do with this, please tell). The next step in the book was to load the 128Kb card. I put it in while the game was running like the book said, but when I pressed reset, nothing loaded. The card was supposed to load a breakout-like game, but it just gave me a blank screen. The lights on the card were on, as well as the ones by the port. The power lights were both on. Nothing happened when I had plugged it in, like the book said it was supposed to. I don't know if this is a problem with my Hydra or a problem with the programming. Either way, any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
New Game: Vector