binary # output on i/o
Posts: 2
I would like to have a variable expressed as a binary # in parallel on the I/O pins. the variable will be incremented or decremented by user inputs. so I would like the var to be input as a decimal # but then expressed in a 1 byte output on pins
user inputs··· 1
outputs go
················· 0-0
················· 1-0
················· 5-0
················· 7-1
I can do all of this with lookup table but at the expense of memory. Will the stamp perform this function thru its command set for me somehow.
user inputs··· 1
outputs go
················· 0-0
················· 1-0
················· 5-0
················· 7-1
I can do all of this with lookup table but at the expense of memory. Will the stamp perform this function thru its command set for me somehow.
VAR BYTE yourNumber
out0 = yourNumber.bit7
out1 = yourNUmber.bit6
out2 = yourNUmber.bit5
out3 = yourNUmber.bit4
out4 = yourNUmber.bit3
out5 = yourNUmber.bit2
out6 = yourNUmber.bit1
out7 = yourNUmber.bit0
Or something like that...
Rich H
OUTA=3· would result in 0011 on P0 to P3
Jeff T.