Strange Spin Problems. Help please!
Posts: 24
Hi everyone, I am working on an autonomous truck, and I am having problems with my servo control code. The following is a loop that constantly runs, and checks two longs, ServoThrottleAngle and ServoSteeringAngle, which are just numbers from -40 to 40 to be added to the 1.5 us pulse to the servos (150 + ServoSteeringAngle). I have had some very strange bugs with the code. For starters, I had to add the iterator (iter) to stop the loop from stalling, seemingly randomly, and it also doesn't respond to values between -10 and 10, however, a zero value for one of the longs seems to pulse a perfect 1.5 us. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
PUB ServoControlLoop( Lock ) | iter iter := 0 dira[noparse][[/noparse]ServoThrottlePin]~~ 'set pin to output direction dira[noparse][[/noparse]ServoSteeringPin]~~ repeat if ( iter > 500 ) iter := 0 iter += 1 repeat until not lockset(Lock) 'wait until we lock the resource if( LCDDebug == 1 ) 'debugLCD.cls 'debugLCD.str(string("SSAVal: ")) 'debugLCD.str(N.dec(ServoSteeringAngle)) 'debugLCD.gotoxy(0,1) 'debugLCD.str(string("Iteration ")) 'debugLCD.str(N.dec(iter)) 'Throttle outa[noparse][[/noparse]ServoThrottlePin] := 1 'set it to 1 waitcnt(clkfreq / 100000 * ( 150 + ServoThrottleAngle ) {x.xx ms} + cnt) 'not ms, but ms/10, takes about 20 us to complete this operation outa[noparse][[/noparse]ServoThrottlePin] := 0 waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 20 + cnt) 'ms this time, wait 20 ms before pulsing again 'Steering outa[noparse][[/noparse]ServoSteeringPin] := 1 'set it to 1 waitcnt(clkfreq / 100000 * ( 150 + ServoSteeringAngle ) {x.xx ms} + cnt) 'not ms, but ms/10, takes about 20 us to complete this operation outa[noparse][[/noparse]ServoSteeringPin] := 0 waitcnt(clkfreq / 1000 * 20 + cnt) 'ms this time, wait 20 ms before pulsing again lockclr(Lock) 'unlock the resource
Rich H
Any time I have unexpected effects like that, the first thing I check is whether I allocated enough stack.
I'd recommend the use of the Servo32 so many have used and are happy with. Of course you can use your own code, but first get something working
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The lock is needed if the values of ServoThrottleAngle and ServoSteeringAngle are related with each other - which means you want to avoid the following scenario:
COG2 (running ServoControl) reads ServoThrottleAngle and sends the throttle pulse
COG1 updates ServoThrottleAngle and ServoSteeringAngle
COG2 reads ServoSteeringAngle and sends the steering pulse
But I'd do the lock different. If you have a look at the loop, COG1 seldomly gets a chance to·catch the lock. That's why the iterator helped a little bit. It simply added runtime without locking the resource by COG2.
One waitcnt for 20ms is enough, otherwise the wait time will extend to 40ms per output (wait 20ms after throttle and wait 20ms after steering).
Currently I don't see a reason, why the pulses should not work with any given throttle/steering angle.
PS: and remember ... local variable added, so the stack size might need to be adjusted
Post Edited (MagIO2) : 5/20/2009 8:54:31 AM GMT