Pulse Width Measurement
Posts: 33
Mike Green was extremely helpful on my last project by showing some mis interpretations i had of the documentation. Ok I'm new to Parallax land. I did run into a bit of strangeness when i tried to upgrade the code to two channels.
The code follows.
This did not work. It would process the first repeat and send out the results which checked against an o-scope ( pulse width measurement), but the second repeat block was ignored completely.
If i commented out the first block, the second block was still ignored.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Post Edited (swampie777) : 5/17/2009 3:57:46 AM GMT
The code follows.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 VAR long stack[noparse][[/noparse]72] long xxx1 long iii long Idx long xsum long xxx2 long iii2 long Idx2 long xsum2 long iiii long i5 long Cog OBJ Num : "Numbers" TV : "TV_Terminal" ' uart : "FullDuplexSerial" PUB Main xxx1 := 0 iii := 0 xsum := 0 xxx2 := 0 iii2 := 0 xsum2 := 0 Num.Init 'Initialize Numbers TV.Start(12) 'Start TV Terminal Cog := cognew(@pulse_,@xxx1) ' TV.Str(Num.ToStr(Cog, Num#DDEC)) ' TV.Out(13) repeat while Idx < 5 xxx1 := -1 repeat while xxx1 == -1 xsum := xsum + xxx1 TV.Str(Num.ToStr(xxx1, Num#DDEC)) TV.Str(Num.ToStr(xsum/(Idx+1), Num#DDEC)) TV.Out(13) Idx++ Cog := cognew(@pulsea_,@xxx2) repeat while Idx2 < 5 xxx2 := -1 repeat while xxx2 == -1 xsum2 := xsum2 + xxx2 TV.Str(Num.ToStr(xxx2, Num#DDEC)) TV.Str(Num.ToStr(xsum2/(Idx2+1), Num#DDEC)) TV.Out(13) Idx2++ DAT org 0 pulse_ waitpeq zero,mask :loop waitpne zero,mask mov xx1, cnt waitpeq zero,mask mov yy1, cnt sub yy1, xx1 wrlong yy1, PAR jmp #:loop pulsea_ waitpeq zero,mask2 :loopa waitpne zero,mask2 mov xx2, cnt waitpeq zero,mask2 mov yy2, cnt sub yy2, xx2 wrlong yy2, PAR jmp #:loopa zero long 0 mask long |<25 xx1 res 1 yy1 res 1 Mem res 1 lll long 0 mask2 long |<24 xx2 res 1 yy2 res 1
This did not work. It would process the first repeat and send out the results which checked against an o-scope ( pulse width measurement), but the second repeat block was ignored completely.
If i commented out the first block, the second block was still ignored.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Post Edited (swampie777) : 5/17/2009 3:57:46 AM GMT
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
What one-liner Leon is talking about has nothing to do with your code per se. He is suggesting that, first, you click on the little pencil icon near the upper right corner of your post and then add a title to your Subject line so we all know what this post is about. Second, when he suggests you use Code Tags, he's talking about.... See the little boxes (under the upper emoticons), the little boxes that are labelled LIST, QUOTE, CODE, etc.? Before pasting in your code, click on CODE and paste your code after the code tag that will appear. Then click on the CODE* box and the browser should add a tag at the end of your code. The end result is that your code gets put into a neat little box that looks like this:
For me and my Mac, this only works for one line of code, but for PCs it should work out okay.
Do what Leon says and then maybe people who know more than I can come to your rescue.
Hope that helps,
Watching the world pass me by, one photon at a time.
My new unsecure propmod both 1x1 and full size arriving soon.
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zero is used by both cogs and could either be redefined as local variable (global doesn't work due to the second ORG getting in the way) or we can use a register which we know is empty (outb in this case).
It didn't work.
If you change··xxx2· xsum2.. to xxx1 and xsum1 ( change everything but the mask and pulsea_) then it works.
I thought when you did a Cog·:=·cognew(@pulsea_,@xxx2) that a new object was created with the lable segment of machine code pointed to ( (@pulsea_).
Is this not how you generate different assembly objects for each different cog?
What you do here
is, that you load a part of PASM code to a COG. This PASM code will always start at COG-RAM adress 0. But your compiled code assumes that it is starting at adress 8. So when executed the jmp #:loopa will simply jump to the wrong place.
Let's have a look at Kuroneko's code:
pulse_··················waitpne···mask,mask····· ' this will do the same job and you can use OUTB for something else
:loop ··················waitpeq···mask,mask
The reason I used zero·-- that is the value to compare the pin to so that the extent of the square wave pulse can be measured.
You wait while the pin is zero to catch the start of the pulse. Then you capture the cnt. After the pin goes back to zero, you get cnt again and subtract to get the count width of
the pulse. If you use the mask as both arguements, you'll never see the zero level.
Did I mis-read you?
waitpeq zero, mask
can be translated to
repeat while INA & mask == 0
It waits as long as the Pin is 0
And now have a look at
waitpne mask, mask
can be translated to
repeat while ina & mask != mask
It waits as long as the Pin is not 1 ... and for a single pin not 1 is equal to 0
So, both instructions do the same but in my version you don't need an additional long to compare with.