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THis a new code I am trying for B2 and pwmpal, — Parallax Forums

THis a new code I am trying for B2 and pwmpal,

h3n7yh3n7y Posts: 11
edited 2009-05-17 06:35 in BASIC Stamp
ok I been trying to get a pwmpal and bs2 to work together and nothing is working I am trying to control an L293d h bridge with 2 dc control with pwmpal and bs2 to make the car steer left and right and i haven't been successful. The documentation for they have on parallax is not good is just does speed and why is not good documentation on pwmpal, this product has been around for 6 years already.

I really found more easy coding in C++ than Pbasic, but this bs2 can't be programmed on C++, yes i have sensors but i will scrap it cuz is getting more diff with pwmpal

Can someone please help me with this codes or send me an email with the codes that works? Please

' {$STAMP BS2}
'( $Pbasic 2.5)

L_cnt VAR Word 'left encoder counter
R_cnt VAR Word 'right encoder counter
X_cnt VAR Word 'left encoder state
y_cnt VAR Word 'left encoder state
L_cnt_dir VAR Word 'left counter direction
R_cnt_dir VAR Word 'right counter direction
L_velocity_cnt VAR Word
R_velocity_cnt VAR Word
prev_Ldir VAR Byte
prev_Rdir VAR Byte
lchk_cntl VAR Byte
rchk_cntl VAR Byte
Chg_dir VAR Byte
sensors VAR Ni


INPUT 4 ' left WW-01 ChA
INPUT 5 ' right WW-01 ChA
INPUT 6 ' left WW-01 DIR
INPUT 7 ' right WW-01 DIR

Chg_dir = -1
L_cnt_dir = 1
R_cnt_dir = 1
Pppin CON 0
pbaud CON 17405
header CON 106
pulse CON 90

GOSUB setup 'these steps initialize the Motors
GOSUB setpulse '
GOSUB setheader '
GOSUB setactive '

GOSUB Chk_sensors
GOSUB Motor_cntl


'--- these sensors may be any object detection type
'--- (IR or bumper)
sensors.BIT0 = IN1
sensors.BIT1 = IN2

GOSUB Chk_sensors: backward: lefturn: righturn: forward


'--These routines check the encoders (left and right)
'--and count up or down depending on if the direction
'---this program is set to check for a falling
'---edge on the encoder ChA line. (in4/5)
'---the velocity_cnt variable may be used to measure
'---the width of the clock pulse but the way it is
'---used here will not be very acurate...

'-- 4 & 5 are connected to the ChA pins of
'-- each encoder.
x_cnt = IN4
y_cnt = IN5

'-- check left encoder
IF x_cnt = 0 THEN main
DEBUG "l_cnt = l_cnt + L_cnt_dir"

'-- check right encoder
IF y_cnt = 0 THEN main
DEBUG "r_cnt = r_cnt + R_cnt_dir"

GOSUB chk_Ldir
GOSUB chk_Rdir


'---begin section = servo setup/contol
' Subroutines used to set up the Motors Controller Chip
'-- substitute any code needed here
SEROUT Pppin, pbaud, [noparse][[/noparse]"PWM",(48 + M1CTRL 117]
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]117]'sets pulse
SEROUT cntl,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]pulse] 'sets pulse length
SEROUT cntl,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]122] 'sets setup mode
SEROUT cntl,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]header] 'sets header length

'--motion subroutines
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]1,131] 'starts L (no. 1) Motor fwd slowly
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]31,159] 'starts R (no. 2)Motor fwd quickly
PAUSE 2000
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]0,128] 'starts L (no. 1) Motor fwd quickly
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]16,140] 'starts R (no. 2) Motor fwd slowly
PAUSE 2000


SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]0,128] 'L (no. 1) Motor fwd full
SEROUT cntl_baud,[noparse][[/noparse]31,159] 'R (no. 2) Motor fwd full

'---====end section = Motor setup/control


  • vaclav_salvaclav_sal Posts: 451
    edited 2009-05-12 18:08

    your code cannot work because it does not tokenize (compile).

    When you·get it to do that include DEBUG commands where appropriate to·help you to localize your error(s).

    Cheers Vaclav
  • JDJD Posts: 570
    edited 2009-05-12 22:14

    There are a few syntax errors in the program; for example Ni I'm guessing should be Nib. Can you successfully compile the program and then attach the program via the attachment manager? That way we can look at the program within the Editor without having to cut and paste.


    Joshua Donelson
  • h3n7yh3n7y Posts: 11
    edited 2009-05-14 17:06
    There is the adjustment I have done to the code so far, but I still having trouble with it. can you please help me, My friends and I are working very hard on this project is away to learn we want to become engineer this is our first project. we have others in mind but right now this is priority. If anything can you send me an email with a working code for the pwmpal please

    {$STAMP BS2}

    [noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]

    RightMotor CON 3 ' Right Servo
    LeftMotor CON 1 ' Left Servo
    'Ping CON 15 ' PING))) Sensor

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

    pulseCount VAR Byte ' Used For Measuring Turns

    ' Conversion constants for room temperature measurements.
    Pppin CON 0
    CmConstant CON 2260
    InConstant CON 890

    cmDistance VAR Word
    inDistance VAR Word
    time VAR Word
    task VAR Nib ' Current Task


    PULSOUT 11, 5
    PULSIN 11, 1, time

    inDistance = inConstant ** time

    'DEBUG HOME, "The distance is ", DEC2 inDistance, " in"

    IF (inDistance < 18) THEN main
    GOSUB Turn_Right
    GOSUB Turn_Right
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Go_Forward
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Turn_Left
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Go_Forward
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Turn_Left
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Go_Forward
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Turn_Right
    PAUSE 200
    GOSUB Go_Forward
    GOSUB Go_Forward
    'PAUSE 1

    Turn_Left: ' Left Turn, About 45 Degrees
    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 40 ' Number Of Pulses To Turn
    PULSOUT LeftMotor, 650 ' Left motor Left Pulse Value
    PULSOUT RightMOtor, 650 ' Right motor Left Pulse Value
    PAUSE 20 ' Refresh Delay

    Turn_Right: ' Right Turn, About 45 Degrees
    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 40 ' Number Of Pulses To Turn
    PULSOUT LeftMotor, 850 ' Left motor Right Pulse Value
    PULSOUT RightMotor, 850 ' Right motor Right Pulse Value
    PAUSE 20
    NEXT ' Refresh Delay

    Go_Forward: ' Right Turn, About 45 Degrees
    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 200 ' Number Of Pulses To Turn
    PULSOUT LeftMotor, 850 ' Left motor Right Pulse Value
    PULSOUT RightMotor, 650 ' Right motor Right Pulse Value
    PAUSE 20 ' Refresh Delay

    Go_Backward: ' Right Turn, About 45 Degrees
    FOR pulseCount = 0 TO 100 ' Number Of Pulses To Turn
    PULSOUT LeftMotor, 650 ' Left Servo Right Pulse Value
    PULSOUT RightMotor, 850 ' Right Servo Right Pulse Value
    PAUSE 20 ' Refresh Delay
  • h3n7yh3n7y Posts: 11
    edited 2009-05-14 17:08
    ps sorry about this I am not using servo for this project I am using an H bridge L293 and two 12 dc motors
  • vaclav_salvaclav_sal Posts: 451
    edited 2009-05-14 18:03
    you are on the right track, however, you are still too far ahead of yourself in troubleshooting this code. Hardware is important, but you need to make you· code "flow" before you get to the hardware.

    For example, your code gets stuck in "inDistance = 0 " right from the start.
    Use DEBUG and you will make progress.

    Cheers Vaclav

    PS: Compiler may not care, but the label syntax is "LABEL:" - label text ·then colon. ·As future engineers you need to pay atention to details.
    DEBUG " Main",CR
    · PULSOUT 11, 5
    · PULSIN 11, 1, time
    · DEBUG "Test",CR
    · 'STOP
    · inDistance = inConstant ** time
    · DEBUG ? inDistance,CR
    · DEBUG ? inConstant,CR
    · DEBUG ? time,CR
    · STOP
    · DEBUG "The distance is ", DEC2 inDistance, " inches",CR
    · 'STOP
    · IF (inDistance < 18) THEN main
    ··· GOSUB Turn_Right
    ··· GOSUB Turn_Right

    ··· PAUSE 200
    · ElSE
  • JDJD Posts: 570
    edited 2009-05-14 19:01

    I still see a few Syntax Errors; as Valclav_sal pointed, and missing parts in the PING))) code that will overall effect the operation of the PING))) sensor. Is there a reason you are not scaling, or removing the return trip? By doing that the·distance is reading double of what it really is.

    The Syntax that Vaclav_sal was explaining can also be referenced with the BASIC Stamp Syntax & Refrence Manual.

    BASIC Stamp Syntax & Reference Manual:

    Smart Sensors & Applications:

    I hope these items help,


    Joshua Donelson
  • MichelBMichelB Posts: 154
    edited 2009-05-16 15:01
    Please see your Turn_Left: you wrote PULSOUT RightMOtor instead of RightMotor, maybe error comes from there. I'm a beginner.
  • Clive WakehamClive Wakeham Posts: 152
    edited 2009-05-17 06:35
    PBasic is not demanding on the "case" of the variables.

    If it was the editor would show it as an undefined variable while either downloading or testing it.

    Of course for ease of reading etc it should be done correctly.
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