Good Afternoon everyone,
I am trying to talk from one stamp on the PDB through the level shifter to another stamp on a seperate board through the programing port.· I can command the seperate board no problem using the debug window, but when I try to command it from the stamp on the PDB through the level shifter I get nothing.· I have scoped both transmissions; the timing and·levels ·of both transmissions are identical.· Any sugestions?
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
I am trying to talk from one stamp on the PDB through the level shifter to another stamp on a seperate board through the programing port.· I can command the seperate board no problem using the debug window, but when I try to command it from the stamp on the PDB through the level shifter I get nothing.· I have scoped both transmissions; the timing and·levels ·of both transmissions are identical.· Any sugestions?
'File:Relay_Test_Slave 'Date:31MAR09 ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} '-----Program Description--------------------------------------------------------------------- '-----Pin Declarations------------------------------------------------------------------------ '-----Variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------- relay VAR Byte '-----Constants------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baud CON $4054 'Baud CON 84 TimeOut CON 2000 Rx CON 16 Tx CON 16 '-----EEPROM Data----------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-----Initialization-------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTH = %00000000 DIRH = %11111111 '-----Program--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main: DO SERIN Rx, Baud, TimeOut, Blink, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC4 relay] SEROUT Tx, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC5 relay] OUTH = ~relay LOOP '-----Subroutines----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blink: 'OUTH = $10 'PAUSE 200 'OUTH = $00 GOTO Main
'File:Relay_Test_Master 'Author: 'Date: ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} '-----Program Description--------------------------------------------------------------------- Rx PIN 0 Tx PIN 1 '-----Pin Declarations------------------------------------------------------------------------ '-----Variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------- celsius VAR Word relay VAR Byte repeat VAR Word '-----Constants------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Baud CON $4054 Baud CON 84 TimeOut CON 2000 EndL CON 10 '-----EEPROM Data----------------------------------------------------------------------------- '-----Initialization-------------------------------------------------------------------------- relay = 0 DIRL = %00000011 '-----Program--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO SEROUT Tx, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$35, CR] PAUSE 1000 LOOP
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
I believe I have already tried using 84 for both units and still nothing.· I will try again though to double check, and let you know.· Won't be until Monday though.· Thanks again.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.
There are 10 types of people that understand binary, those who do, and those who don't.