Hooking up and using the new GPS
Posts: 131
Im going to be ordering the new GPS unit I have been waiting for a few weeks to come. Does anyone know how to get GPS cordinates from it and send to the DEBUG window?
- Stephen
Demo program for the BS2
Here's a link to the datasheet for the chip.
I'm not sure that a BS2 would be fast enough (or have enough variable space) to store the NMEA0183 v2.2 strings (GGA, GSV, GSA, and RMC) that are transmitted once every second from the module at 4800 baud. Some of the faster Stamp modules with additional memory space might be able to handle the NMEA string parsing and the SX and Propeller would have no problems with them. The SXB source code (firmware for the embedded SX processor)·is available on the product page for the original Parallax GPS module.
The original Parallax GPS has a "Smart Mode" in which you "ask" for specific data and only get back what you asked for. The "Raw" mode is constantly putting out GPS strings at 4800 baud. This was selectable on the old module. The BS2 could keep up with the "Smart Mode".
The new GPS module is "Raw" Mode only.
Hope this helps,
"The BASIC Stamp can be used to capture and parse GPS data. When using the BS2p or BS2pe the GPS string can be buffered into the Scratchpad RAM for parsing after capture. When using other modules in the BS2 family members, serial modifiers like WAIT and SKIP are used to capture specific elements from the stream."
I guess that negates what I said in my last post. I guess if you are only looking for certain items in a certain·stream, maybe the BS2 will work.
I also ran across a program in my Parallax downloads that does contain the "Wait" instruction in a BS2 program to extract data from a NMEA 0183 GPRMC statement which includes the data that you are looking for. I'm not sure where I got it, but I will attach it.
Just found the source of the article:
I think I extracted the .bs2 data from the PDF, (copy/paste), and I have not tried it yet, but it's a good start. Not sure where the BSLA comes in, but I will find out when I hook it up with my BLSA.
This would be nice to get this working as I have a Propeller chip dedicated to processing raw data right now. I have 10 variations of BS2 chips and boards that are waiting for new projects, and the Propeller would be better served elsewhere, and it would be nice to use the cheaper GPS unit.
I am out of time this weekend to try some stuff, but may jump on it next weekend.
As for BlueTooth, I'm not there yet. Just looking at the new Easy Bluetooth Module from Parallax, but that a few months away.