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agentmcmillanagentmcmillan Posts: 4
edited 2009-05-18 00:11 in Accessories
I am using the TCS230 to ic color but instead of debugging out I want it to trigger ports high or low on the prototyping daughter board. its been a really long time since I have played with a stamp. I have found the sample code. I don't know how to have the stamp compare what it is "seeing" to what would be in a table got a specif color range and then to run a subroutine based off of that.


  • agentmcmillanagentmcmillan Posts: 4
    edited 2009-05-05 01:00
    Ok I have made some progress. but is the BASIC Stamp 2pe Motherboard able to drive multiple DB at the same time. and how do you use the Owio command when using 2 daughter boards?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2009-05-05 02:37
    Yes, you can drive two DBs. The owio pin for socket A is P10; for B, P6.

  • agentmcmillanagentmcmillan Posts: 4
    edited 2009-05-06 18:47
    So I have figured out the constants but now the issue I am having is comparing the current color of the object to a table and running subroutines that are based on the specif color
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2009-05-06 23:15
    Take a look at the M&M sorting program listed here. There's a subroutine called "Match_Color" that should get you well on your way.

  • agentmcmillanagentmcmillan Posts: 4
    edited 2009-05-18 00:11
    Ok so I have figured some of it out i just need to get this to work I know I am close

    the issue is that when the code is ran it says that all levels are at 100 and thus nothing matches

    in the final sub routine I am attempting to have it output to a set transistors

    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    TcsLed         PIN   12                    ' LEDs enable - active low
    TcsOut         PIN   11                    ' freq from TCS230
    S2             PIN   9                     ' color filter control
    S3             PIN   8                     ' color filter control
    Rout0          PIN   5                     'port d
    Rout1          PIN   1                     'port e
    Rout2          PIN   0                     'port f
    Rout3          PIN   2                     'port h
    Rout4          PIN   3                     'port g
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    Red          CON 0 ' TCS230 filter selection
    Green        CON 1
    Blue         CON 2
    Clear        CON 3
    ScanTime     CON 10 ' scan time in millisecs
    ScaleMax     CON 100 ' max for scaled values
    IsOn         CON 0 ' LED control is active low
    IsOff        CON 1
    NumColors    CON 7 ' seven M&M colors
    ColorThresh  CON 10 ' allowable variance
    TermChar     CON 0 ' terminater for strings
    StrLen       CON 12 ' max length of names
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    filter             VAR Nib ' filter selection
    rawColor           VAR Word ' raw return from TCS230
    calRed             VAR Word ' red calibration
    calGrn             VAR Word ' green calibration
    calBlu             VAR Word ' blue calibration
    redVal             VAR Byte ' red value
    grnVal             VAR Byte ' green value
    bluVal             VAR Byte ' blue value
    rgb                VAR redVal ' colors array
    inKey              VAR Byte ' input from user
    colIdx             VAR Nib ' color index
    rgbIdx             VAR Nib ' rgb index
    testVal            VAR Byte ' test value
    eePntr             VAR Word ' data table pointer
    char               VAR inKey ' char to print
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' RGB data
    Colors    DATA 038, 007, 005    ' red
              DATA 075, 022, 008    ' orange
              DATA 086, 060, 011    ' yellow
              DATA 019, 044, 020    ' green
              DATA 021, 017, 031    ' violet
    ' Color Names
    CN0 DATA "Red", 0
    CN1 DATA "Orange", 0
    CN2 DATA "Yellow", 0
    CN3 DATA "Green", 0
    CN4 DATA "Violet", 0
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    TcsLed = IsOff           ' start off
    OUTPUT TcsLed            ' allow direct control
    GOSUB Calibrate_White     ' white balance sensor
    GOSUB Calibrate_Colors    ' calibrate color table
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
    GOSUB Read_RGB ' scan color
    DEBUG "RGB = ", ' display components
    DEC3 redVal, ", ",
    DEC3 grnVal, ", ",
    DEC3 bluVal, " "
    GOSUB Match_Color ' compare scan to table
    IF (colIdx < NumColors) THEN ' match was found
    GOSUB Print_Color
    GOSUB Show_Color
    DEBUG "No match", CR
    PAUSE 5000 ' delay between scans
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' Calibrates "white" to ambient conditions
    DEBUG CLS, "TCS230 White Balance"
    DEBUG CR, CR, "Insert white Press key to scan."
    DEBUGIN inKey
    GOSUB White_Balance
    DEBUG CR, CR, "White balance complete."
    PAUSE 1000
    '======================White balance==============================================
    ' Reads "white" and calculates calibration values
    filter = Red
    GOSUB Read_Color ' read raw red
    calRed = ScaleMax * 256 / rawColor ' calculate red cal
    filter = Green
    GOSUB Read_Color ' read raw green
    calGrn = ScaleMax * 256 / rawColor ' calculate green scale
    filter = Blue
    GOSUB Read_Color ' read raw blue
    calBlu = ScaleMax * 256 / rawColor ' calculate blue scale
    '========== calibrate Colors======================================================
    ' Calibrates color table to ambient conditions
    FOR colIdx = 0 TO (NumColors - 1) ' loop through all colors
    DEBUG CLS, "TCS230 Color Calibration: "
    GOSUB Print_Color
    DEBUG CR, CR, "Insert Color Press  key to scan."
    TcsLed = IsOn ' light up scan area
    DEBUGIN inKey
    GOSUB Read_RGB ' scan sample item
    eePntr = Colors + (3 * colIdx) ' point to table entry
    WRITE eePntr, redVal, grnVal, bluVal ' save new data
    '======Read Color=========================================================
    ' Reads selected color from TCS230
    ' -- takes "filter" as input
    ' -- returns "rawColor" as output (unscaled color value)
    SELECT filter
    CASE Red
    LOW S2
    LOW S3
    CASE Green
    HIGH S2
    HIGH S3
    CASE Blue
    LOW S2
    HIGH S3
    CASE ELSE ' clear -- no filter
    HIGH S2
    LOW S3
    TcsLed = IsOn ' light sample
    COUNT TcsOut, ScanTime, rawColor ' return unscaled value
    TcsLed = IsOff
    '====Read RGB===============================================================
    ' Reads and scales RGB colors
    filter = Red
    GOSUB Read_Color
    redVal = rawColor */ calRed MAX ScaleMax
    filter = Green
    GOSUB Read_Color
    grnVal = rawColor */ calGrn MAX ScaleMax
    filter = Blue
    GOSUB Read_Color
    bluVal = rawColor */ calBlu MAX ScaleMax
    '====Match Color============================================================
    ' Compares current color scan with known values in
    ' table. If match is found, the value of "colIdx"
    ' will be less than "NumColors"
    colIdx = 0
    DO WHILE (colIdx < NumColors) ' check known colors
    rgbIdx = 0
    DO WHILE (rgbIdx < 3) ' compare rgb components
    eePntr = Colors + (colIdx * 3) + rgbIdx ' point to color table
    READ eePntr, testVal ' read known r, g or b
    testVal = ABS(testVal - rgb(rgbIdx)) ' calculate variance
    IF (testVal > ColorThresh) THEN EXIT ' if out-of-range, next
    rgbIdx = rgbIdx + 1 ' test next component
    IF (rgbIdx = 3) THEN EXIT ' match found
    colIdx = colIdx + 1 ' try next color
    '====Print Color============================================================
    ' Print color name
    ' -- takes "colIdx" as input
    ' -- allow this to fall through to Print_String
    LOOKUP colIdx, [noparse][[/noparse]CN0, CN1, CN2,
    CN3, CN4], eePntr
    ' Print a string stored in DATA table
    ' -- point to first character with "eePntr"
    READ eePntr, char ' reach character
    IF (char = TermChar) THEN EXIT ' end of string?
    DEBUG char ' no -- print char
    eePntr = eePntr + 1 ' point to next
    ' Show_Color displays the name of the found color on the LCD screen.
    Show_Color:                                     ' print color name on screen
     SELECT eePntr
      CASE 0
        GOSUB No_Color
      CASE 1
        GOSUB Red_Found
      CASE 2
        GOSUB Orange_Found
      CASE 3
        GOSUB Yellow_Found
      CASE 4
        GOSUB Green_Found
      CASE 5
        GOSUB Purple_Found
       DEBUG CR
    '-------[noparse][[/noparse]color subroutines]------------------------
    'each sub routine is setup in a way that allows the "serial out" to the robot
      LOW Rout0
      LOW Rout1
      LOW Rout2
      LOW Rout3
      LOW Rout4
      DEBUG "no color found"
      HIGH Rout0
      LOW Rout1
      LOW Rout2
      LOW Rout3
      LOW Rout4
      DEBUG "Found Red"
      LOW Rout0
      HIGH Rout1
      LOW Rout2
      LOW Rout3
      LOW Rout4
      DEBUG "Found Orange"
      LOW Rout0
      LOW Rout1
      HIGH Rout2
      LOW Rout3
      LOW Rout4
      DEBUG "Found Yellow"
      LOW Rout0
      LOW Rout1
      LOW Rout2
      HIGH Rout3
      LOW Rout4
      DEBUG "Found Green"
      LOW Rout0
      LOW Rout1
      LOW Rout2
      LOW Rout3
      HIGH Rout4
      DEBUG "Found Purple"
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