another breadboard voltage regulator
So I have built a small module for my breadboard, using a lm317, but for my current application space on the breadboard is slim pickins. Until i can drive down to Fry's for another (cause its a ways away), I went to radio shack looking for a voltage regulator, specifically a 7805, that i could plug in to my breadboard. They did not have any, but gave me a 3055T instead, and told me that was a similar product. I've tried hooking it up the same as a 7805, but can't seem to get any flow out of it. Did radio shack get me for $3? Is this even a similar part?
The back of the package says, with the heat sink down, the order of pins are 1. Base 2. Collector 3. Emitter... On a 7805 I should plug say 9v + to pin 1, 9v - to pin 2 and also to - on board, and pos(+) on board to pin 3. I've tried many times and can't figure this one out. Maybe i just got sold the wrong part.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The back of the package says, with the heat sink down, the order of pins are 1. Base 2. Collector 3. Emitter... On a 7805 I should plug say 9v + to pin 1, 9v - to pin 2 and also to - on board, and pos(+) on board to pin 3. I've tried many times and can't figure this one out. Maybe i just got sold the wrong part.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
It appears that the shack guy didn't have a clue (as you should probably expect). Probably thrown off by the package style, which isn't limited to just regulators.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
It uses a 9v batt at the moment, but can handle a max of 37v. ON/Off switch controls power to whole board at once. Multiple sockets - Direct 9v power with on/off and indicator, and by using 2 voltage regulators (a 7805 and a NTE962) i have another switch which controls the other sockets for a regulated 5v (1amp) power source or a 6v power source. Both with indicators.
by the way... first time using the predrilled plated circuit boards from radio-shack.
······ I'll try everything once [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (morris4019) : 5/5/2009 3:08:39 AM GMT