TV_Text now with 40x30 Display

Hi All,
Here's my quick modification of Parallax's TV_Text_Demo ( and TV_Text and TV ) which·or's two alternate scanlines data to half the font height, so you can display more text on screen.
in this demo ( it's set to 6Mhz clock and pin group·24 for TV but that's changeable obviously [noparse]:)[/noparse] ) it sets a display up of 40 Columns x 30 Rows, in NTSC, in Interlaced mode. so screen res is 640x480.
Just to let you know I've posted it in the OBEX
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Here's my quick modification of Parallax's TV_Text_Demo ( and TV_Text and TV ) which·or's two alternate scanlines data to half the font height, so you can display more text on screen.
in this demo ( it's set to 6Mhz clock and pin group·24 for TV but that's changeable obviously [noparse]:)[/noparse] ) it sets a display up of 40 Columns x 30 Rows, in NTSC, in Interlaced mode. so screen res is 640x480.
Just to let you know I've posted it in the OBEX
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yeah, it looks better on the real thing, although I've never really been "happy" with interlaced mode, but for 16x16 font 640x480 it looks great [noparse];)[/noparse]
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New ICON coming, gotta wait for the INK to heal, now we have colour!
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KPR, it works with colour too, it's practically a direct copy of TV.spin and TV_Text.spin but with a few minor changes, see attached pic.
Ole Man Earl, glad you like it·with your AutoPilot S/W [noparse]:D[/noparse]·after all, it's there to be used!!
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just been playing around with this and managed to get usable 50x32 in PAL mode
PropGFX - The home of the Hybrid Development System and PropGFX Lite
If any others want to get >40x30 you need to change MAXCOLS and MAXROWS in TV_Text_Half_Height.spin [noparse];)[/noparse]
I've also made a few additions [noparse]:)[/noparse]
You now start it with
· text.start(pingroup,palntsc,interlaced,width,height)
you can also do
to save doing out($0c) and out(pen) pen colour being any from 0-7
I've also added
· text.inkblock(x,y,w,h,pen)
which will leave the text intact, but change the colour of the block ( there's no size checks, so don't do crazy numbers or it'll·overwrite other buffers or code etc )
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Post Edited (Baggers) : 5/3/2009 11:48:19 AM GMT
I'll include this in the next release of Catalina. That release will allow C programs to run from external RAM on the Hydra, but I was really suffering from the lack of a reasnable resolution text display. The Hydra Xtreme RAM card uses the same I/O pins as the VGA output, so I have no alternative but to use the TV output while running XMM programs. After getting used to 125x64 it's hard going all the way back to 32 x 16!
Being able to use 40x30 (maybe even 50x32) will be a great improvement.
Keep it up!
The more it gets used the better!
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or... what do i change in the Demo program to
set it for Demoboard operation?
thanks blake
"Can't sleep, clown will eat me."
Bart Simpson
There isn't a password for the zip fle.
To set it to demo board operation in TV_Text_Half_Height_Demo.spin
_xinfreq = 6_000_000
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
I can't remember off-hand the pin group for TV on the demoboard, I'm assuming 12.
If so, then change
let me know if this works, ( or doesn't! ) [noparse]:D[/noparse]
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i tried your demo program on my Demoboard with
the modifications you suggested and it worked
perfectly; even on my 5" B/W crt monitor (i got it
for 2 bucks at a church bazaar, what the hey, it
saves me from disconnecting my TV from everything
and moving it to my work table every time i want to
test something). i think i'll try it with Propdos and
any other text based video programs i've downloaded.
thanks for the quick reply,
p.s. for some reason the zip package i downloaded from
the thread requested a password when i tried to extract
the files (never seen that before). so i tried the download
from the Obex and no password hassles.
"Can't sleep, clown will eat me."
Bart Simpson
glad it worked out for you, especially on the 5" monitor [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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what's the easiest way to adjust the screen vertical start position in the driver? My monitor does not have a vertical position adjustment and the only way I can see the top line for now is by reducing the number of rows displayed.
Thanks in advance.
Jazzed, the easiest way to adjust the screen vertical start position in the driver is to modify TV_Half_Height.spin
near the top in the CON section add
then on line ~99 should be change to
then at line ~150 should be change to
Hope this helps
Thanks. That allows me to move the vertical offset with some limits.
For example, I can use 28 rows with VBOFF < 9 (which is better than I had), 29 rows with VBOFF < 6 for example. Larger VBOFF values won't allow printing text but the background is fine. Same goes for 30 rows with any VBOFF value - as you predicted.
I'm happy with 28 adjustable rows