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Boe_Bot Object exchange? — Parallax Forums

Boe_Bot Object exchange?

Ultra7Ultra7 Posts: 11
edited 2009-05-02 17:29 in Robotics
I know that it might sound silly, but I was wondering if there were an object exchange for The Boe-bot/Basic Stamp line.
Maybe like a "My code" section?

Reason I ask, is that I just got the Servo Controller Board and I was successful at using the code on the site to make it work for the channel 11, servo.
Now I need an example of some code controlling multiple servos to make an arm work.
I learn by doing as much as I do from reading, and would like to see other examples of the code others have used, if ya'll don't mind sharing.

My intent is to have an arm built from micro servos (I bought 6 for cheap on ebay) and legos mounted on the side of the BoE.
Legos will be the prototype, but eventually I will have some low weight aluminum machined for the skeleton of the arm.

Why an arm?
I don't really know.
Maybe the BoE will play checkers with me.
Maybe I can eventually make some reverse knee bird legs like a Madcat in Mechwarrior, and have a walking BoE.

Admittedly it would be easier with the Propeller, but I move in baby steps.

High Voltage

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Technician Class


  • MovieMakerMovieMaker Posts: 502
    edited 2009-05-02 16:52
    I believe the idea is that they used to give all of the complicated codes to the user who learned nothing in the process. They found that if they did not share the codes that the students learned much more. So, this is why the codes are held back. Correct me if I am wrong. Not being a student, I would prefer to have all the codes to make everything work faster. But, I think all of the answers are there in the documentation in little pieces that you have to figure out and put together yourself. But, it is rewarding when you figure something out after working on it for quite some time.

    My 2 cents.

    P.S. , I used to have a robot that played a MEAN game of chess with me. It had an arm and moved all of the pieces around. It was a great robot. It was made by Novag or Gavon, I forget. It cost $1600 20 years ago.
  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2009-05-02 17:29
    The problem (as I see it) of a BS2 object exchange is that you'll have to cut and paste every single 'object' into your code. It's not self contained, so you'll have to redeclare variables, which with the BS2s limited memory will probably lead to code bloat. If you need examples of code, all the product pages have downloads available.
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