Autonomous Metal Searching Robot
I want to pull a robot (like a wagon) around the perimeter of a square. I want to robot to remember the corners, then search the area with a metal detector, spray painting each spot where metal was detected. I don't know where to start. I see paralax can sense GPS coordinates. I have done a lot of programmin in BASIC, but never done anything·with robots. Where do I start ?
Download and read Robotics with the BoeBot ( Read the documentation for the PING sensor ( Read the documentation on the wheel encoder for the BoeBot (
I would think of doing something like what surveyors use these days, have a rotating laser on the top of the robot, and have it scan for the poles. I would try to reduce the number of poles as much as possible (between 4 and 1), while I would think it would be interesting to have it be able to identify the poles by their signature, a method that did not require that would probably be better.