USB2SER the same as prop plug with different pinnout?
Posts: 68
uhhh...the subject says it all: am I missing something?
Is the USB2SER (for sale now for $14) the same as prop plug with different pinnout?
Post Edited (grindel) : 4/30/2009 1:26:45 AM GMT
Is the USB2SER (for sale now for $14) the same as prop plug with different pinnout?
Post Edited (grindel) : 4/30/2009 1:26:45 AM GMT
The USB2SER uses +5V logic levels and has one pinout.
The PropPlug uses +3.3V logic levels and has another pinout.
I should have said, "Is it functionally the same, from a prop programming perspective, except for the pin out"
Has anyone tried it?
Almost forgot…the USB2SER was recently updated…so customers who purchased a newer unit will have the 150 ohm resistors. Again, due to the 5V VCCIO not being 5V (closer to 4V) the smaller resistors will be sufficient protection for 3.3V devices that have protection diodes on the I/O pins. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
USB to Serial(RS-232) Adapter shown here:,ProductName
The USB2SER Development Tool shown here:
compared to the USB2SER, seen here:
t'was a good deal on the USB2SER for $14...So of course I have one on order. We'll see if I have any issues, I am making my own board from soldered breadboard, so I can pick the pin out or add diodes or whatever it takes.
Cris, just an observation: "Almost forgot…the USB2SER was recently updated…so customers who purchased a newer unit will have the 150 ohm resistors. Again, due to the 5V VCCIO not being 5V (closer to 4V) the smaller resistors will be sufficient protection for 3.3V devices that have protection diodes on the I/O pins. I hope this helps. Take care."
The protoboard manual says nothing about protection diodes, and indeed, has nowhere to put them if they are really required for the new rev of USB2SER. Can you confirm that it needs the protection diodes? Do I need them both on the TX and RX sides? I wouldn't think it would need it on RX, but I just want to confirm.