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Rpm counting, adjusting and sending analog again — Parallax Forums

Rpm counting, adjusting and sending analog again

SanderSander Posts: 1
edited 2009-04-30 01:18 in Learn with BlocklyProp

I have to make a signal (0-5V) that is dependant of rpm

I've got a board of education (full) with a BS2 microcontroller.

My first question, for a input, do I have to count with the mA that the input gets or the Voltage?

So I started with a hall sensor, because the electronic shop can't order a MLX90217, I've got a SS466A from honeywell. The·problem is that it is a latching hall·sensor,·a unipolar will be easier to count impulses and measure rpm?·Then I just got to have 1 magnet...

Then i would like to make a table were I can write the voltage that I want with the specific rpm... but that's maybe for later

At last, I need a DA converter, so I thougt of DAC081C081 because it can be fed with 5V.

Am I on the right track or complete wrong?


Post Edited (Sander) : 4/29/2009 8:08:55 PM GMT


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2009-04-30 01:18
    I think you are way off track. if you were to send a 5v pulse to a cap every time the shaft turned the faster the shaft turned the higher the voltage in the cap.

    - Stephen
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