Boe Bot going backwards

Can I assume that the PING))) sensor is the front end of the Boe-bot?
Everytime I call GOSUB pulse_forward the robot goes in reverse.
When I call GOSUB Back_Up the bot moves forward.
Is there something wrong with the way I assembled the boe-bot?
Can I assume that the PING))) sensor is the front end of the Boe-bot?
Everytime I call GOSUB pulse_forward the robot goes in reverse.
When I call GOSUB Back_Up the bot moves forward.
Is there something wrong with the way I assembled the boe-bot?
Tia'Shar Manetheren
You are right. After swapping the left and right connections, the robot is going forward correctly now.
But it's movement is jerky. Seems like the BS2 cannot move all the servos at the same time.
Now I wish Parallax has come up with a Propeller based Boe Bot, or do I have to make my own board?
You can certainly do a Propeller-based BoeBot using a Propeller Protoboard with the accessory kit. BoeBotBasic (in the OBEX) was developed for just that purpose. You can even use a SpinStamp on the BoeBot. If so, I'd recommend putting 1K resistors in series with the servo control lines. That's how BoeBotBasic was originally developed (with a SpinStamp).
2) There are plenty of sources of +5V on the BoeBot board. If you have a 1K resistor in series with the control line close to the SpinStamp and the control line accidentally gets shorted to the +5V supply, the 1K resistor will save your SpinStamp from going poof!
Parallax is coming out with a Propeller based robot.· Please check back in a few·months for more information.
Kind regards,
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
I had to add an I/O Expander (PCA9554) for the HM55B compass because I wanted to keep the VGA / mouse / keyboard / TV features available, but you could leave out one of these to handle the compass if you wanted.
Do you mean the Stingray or something similar in size to the BoeBot?
Rich H
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Make sure the servo values are correct.
Team K.I.S.S
Post Edited (slamer) : 5/3/2009 9:45:54 PM GMT