Random Numbers Between 0 and n-1

I was doing some AVR programming and need a quick, short random number generator that produced values between zero and a limit - 1. The usual way to do this is to generate a full-sized random number, divide it by the limit, and use the remainder. But this was too complicated, and I didn't have room for a division routine anyway. So I started to think about how LFSRs are written, and it dawned on me that each step in the LFSR could produce one bit of a number that I could use to multiply the limit by to produce a fractional product (i.e. the product's upper bits). From there it became just a matter of inserting a conditional add and a shift into the LFSR routine.
So I wrote a version for the Propeller, based on Chip's LFSR in the Spin byte code interpreter. It required two additional instructions:
To give it a quick test, I ran the above code and plotted each output value against the one following it in a scatter chart to see if there were any obvious correlations. There don't seem to be any, but more rigorous tests would not be inappropriate:

This method suffers the same shortcoming that the remainder method does, though: it maps a domain of 232 - 1 values into a range of n values. If n doesn't evenly divide the domain size, the relative frequency of some result values will be higher than others by one.
So I wrote a version for the Propeller, based on Chip's LFSR in the Spin byte code interpreter. It required two additional instructions:
[b]CON[/b] [b]_clkmode[/b] = [b]xtal1[/b] + [b]pll16x[/b] [b]_xinfreq[/b] = 5_000_000 [b]VAR[/b] [b]long[/b] arg[noparse][[/noparse]*2] [b]OBJ[/b] sio : "FullDuplexSerial" [b]PUB[/b] Start sio.start(31, 30, 0, 9600) [b]cognew[/b](@random, @arg) [b]repeat[/b] 1000 sio.dec(limit_rand(100_000)) sio.tx(13) [b]PUB[/b] limit_rand(limit) 'Return a uniformly-distributed random number between 0 and limit - 1. arg := limit [b]repeat[/b] [b]while[/b] arg [b]return[/b] arg[noparse][[/noparse]*1] [b]DAT[/b] [b]org[/b] 0 random [b]mov[/b] xaddr,[b]par[/b] 'Get address of input value. [b]mov[/b] yaddr,[b]par[/b] 'Get address of output value. [b]add[/b] yaddr,#4 :waitarg [b]rdlong[/b] x,xaddr [b]wz[/b] 'Is input value non-zero? [b]if_z[/b] [b]jmp[/b] #:waitarg ' No: Try again. [b]mov[/b] y,#0 'Initialize result. [b]mov[/b] bitcnt,#32 'Initialize bit count. :randlp [b]test[/b] rand,#%10111 [b]wc[/b] 'LFSR: Get parity of tap values. [b]rcr[/b] rand,#1 'Shift odd parity in though top. [b]if_c[/b] [b]add[/b] y,x [b]wc[/b] 'Add input to product if carry (like multiply). *** [b]rcr[/b] y,#1 'Shift carry into result from top. *** [b]djnz[/b] bitcnt,#:randlp 'Back for another bit. [b]wrlong[/b] y,yaddr 'Save result in hub. [b]mov[/b] x,#0 'Zero input. [b]wrlong[/b] x,xaddr 'Save zero in hub to signal done. [b]jmp[/b] #:waitarg 'Dum de dum... rand [b]long[/b] $1234_5678 'Random seed. xaddr [b]res[/b] 1 'Hub address of input. yaddr [b]res[/b] 1 'Hub address of result. x [b]res[/b] 1 'Input value. y [b]res[/b] 1 'Result value. bitcnt [b]res[/b] 1 'Bit counter. '*** These two statements added to regular LFSR for limiting.
To give it a quick test, I ran the above code and plotted each output value against the one following it in a scatter chart to see if there were any obvious correlations. There don't seem to be any, but more rigorous tests would not be inappropriate:
This method suffers the same shortcoming that the remainder method does, though: it maps a domain of 232 - 1 values into a range of n values. If n doesn't evenly divide the domain size, the relative frequency of some result values will be higher than others by one.
I really like the code you created. I'm trying to create a game that requires an array filled with random integers, so your limit_rand method works perfectly. However, i was trying to make it so that the seed value changed so the game wouldn't have the same array of "random" integers by setting the seed value: rand long, to CNT, but this doesn't seem to be working. Here is part of my code:
Listen is an object of FullDuplexSerial. I also have the line:
in the DAT block.
Also, I'm fairly new to spin. What is the OBEX and how can i implement an object of the RealRandom class?
See the manual under OBJ for general info and Chip's RealRandom object for implementation specifics.
0 to (2^32)-1 can just map into 0 to (1-1/(2^32))
Yes, it would, so long as speed was not a factor. The thrust of my effort was providing the quickest possible 0..n-1 pseudorandom generator.