Automatic Baudrate Detection with the BASIC Stamp
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
Here's a little trick I discovered for determining a baudrate automatically. Suppose you have a device that's streaming serial data to your BASIC Stamp with an unknown baudrate. It could be unknown because it's coming from a micro that's using an RC clock for its timebase (my case) or for any number of other reasons. What you can do is monitor the input stream for awhile to find the shortest negative-going pulse width (using PULSIN). This will give you the bit time. Then, simply shift this number left by one and subtract 20. It's that easy and will work for all Stamps except the BS2px. (That one's a little trickier, and I haven't taken the time to work out the math for it.)
Here's an example program:
Here's an example program:
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} sio PIN 15 baud VAR Word pwidth VAR Word i VAR Byte baud = $ffff FOR i = 0 TO 255 PULSIN sio, 0, pwidth baud = baud MAX pwidth NEXT DEBUG "The minimum pulse width is: ", DEC baud, CR baud = baud << 1 - 20 DEBUG "The resulting baudrate constant is: ", DEC baud, CR
The px works out to 4X the BS2, so...
baud·=·(baud */ $CD)·<<·2·-·20
... I think will work (I don't have one to test at the moment)
The first part... (baud */ $CD)·translates and holds the·bit time
The <<·2 multiplies the result by 4
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 4/22/2009 7:40:06 PM GMT
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
I use a similar trick with a PIC with the RC clock, but my case the master (Stamp) stimulates the slave (PIC) to transmit a packet by pulsing the data line low. The return packet starts with the character $80, which gives 8 bit periods low. The formula for baud mode based on PULSIN then is pwidth/4-20
PULSIN picPin, 0, pwidth
SERIN picPin, pwidth/4-20, 100, noData, [noparse][[/noparse]SPSTR 12]
That allows the system to recalculate the baud rate for each packet, and to track extreme temperature changes.
Tracy Allen
The preceding applies to the device's autonomous mode, wherein it's not receiving commands from the Stamp. In command mode, each command is an odd-numbered ASCII character, and the device itself measures the start bit to match the Stamp's baud rate.
Tracy Allen
I'm not sure why the factory calibration spec is so loose, though. My experience has been that the factory-calibrated frequency is closer to what you experience with the PIC.