STAMP 1 - A/D help
Tom P
Posts: 97
<!--StartFragment -->Please Help!!!
Wonder if someone can help with a STAMP 1 problem?
I want to connect a LTC1298·- A/D converter to a STAMP 1,
and read voltage on the Debug screen in millivolts.
How can·I·change program to read millivolts.
Thanks in advance for your help.
' Voltmeter. bs1
' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
SYMBOL CS = 0·············· ' Chip select; 0 = active.
SYMBOL CLK = 1············ ' Clock to ADC; out on rising, in on falling edge.
SYMBOL DIO_n = 2········· ' Pin _number_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL DIO_p = PIN2···· ' Variable_name_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL ADbits = B1······· ' Counter variable for serial bit reception.
SYMBOL AD = W1············ ' 12-bit ADC conversion result.
SYMBOL sglDif = 1··········· ' Single-ended, two-channel mode.
SYMBOL msbf = 1············ ' Output 0s after data transfer is complete.
SYMBOL oddSign = BIT0··· ' Program writes channel # to this bit.
HIGH CS···························· ' Deactivate the ADC to begin.
Again:······························· ' Main loop.
FOR oddSign = 0 TO 1········· ' Toggle between input channels.
GOSUB Convert ' Get data from ADC.
DEBUG "ch ",#oddSign,":",#AD,CR····· ' Show the data on PC screen.
PAUSE 500········································ ' Wait a half second.
NEXT·················································· ' Change input channels.
GOTO Again········································ ' Endless loop.
LOW CLK············································· ' Low clock--output on rising edge.
HIGH DIO_n········································ ' Switch DIO to output high (start bit).
LOW CS··············································· ' Activate the 1298.
PULSOUT CLK,5···································· ' Send start bit.
LET DIO_p = sglDif······························ ' First setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5···································· ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = oddSign···························· ' Second setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5······································ ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = msbf·································· ' Final setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5······································· ' Send bit.
INPUT DIO_n··········································· ' Get ready for input from DIO.
LET AD = 0·············································· ' Clear old ADC result.
FOR ADbits = 1 TO 13······························· ' Get null bit + 12 data bits.
LET AD = AD*2+DIO_p···························· ' Shift AD left, add new data bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5········································· ' Clock next data bit in.
NEXT························································· ' Get next data bit.
HIGH CS··················································· ' Turn off the ADC
Wonder if someone can help with a STAMP 1 problem?
I want to connect a LTC1298·- A/D converter to a STAMP 1,
and read voltage on the Debug screen in millivolts.
How can·I·change program to read millivolts.
Thanks in advance for your help.
' Voltmeter. bs1
' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
SYMBOL CS = 0·············· ' Chip select; 0 = active.
SYMBOL CLK = 1············ ' Clock to ADC; out on rising, in on falling edge.
SYMBOL DIO_n = 2········· ' Pin _number_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL DIO_p = PIN2···· ' Variable_name_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL ADbits = B1······· ' Counter variable for serial bit reception.
SYMBOL AD = W1············ ' 12-bit ADC conversion result.
SYMBOL sglDif = 1··········· ' Single-ended, two-channel mode.
SYMBOL msbf = 1············ ' Output 0s after data transfer is complete.
SYMBOL oddSign = BIT0··· ' Program writes channel # to this bit.
HIGH CS···························· ' Deactivate the ADC to begin.
Again:······························· ' Main loop.
FOR oddSign = 0 TO 1········· ' Toggle between input channels.
GOSUB Convert ' Get data from ADC.
DEBUG "ch ",#oddSign,":",#AD,CR····· ' Show the data on PC screen.
PAUSE 500········································ ' Wait a half second.
NEXT·················································· ' Change input channels.
GOTO Again········································ ' Endless loop.
LOW CLK············································· ' Low clock--output on rising edge.
HIGH DIO_n········································ ' Switch DIO to output high (start bit).
LOW CS··············································· ' Activate the 1298.
PULSOUT CLK,5···································· ' Send start bit.
LET DIO_p = sglDif······························ ' First setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5···································· ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = oddSign···························· ' Second setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5······································ ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = msbf·································· ' Final setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5······································· ' Send bit.
INPUT DIO_n··········································· ' Get ready for input from DIO.
LET AD = 0·············································· ' Clear old ADC result.
FOR ADbits = 1 TO 13······························· ' Get null bit + 12 data bits.
LET AD = AD*2+DIO_p···························· ' Shift AD left, add new data bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5········································· ' Clock next data bit in.
NEXT························································· ' Get next data bit.
HIGH CS··················································· ' Turn off the ADC
It goes over millivolts.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
I have 1 volt on input to ADC, with 5.01 volt supply
I am trying to display millivolts on screen and LCD.
when I solve for AD -- orignal program I get 1261 counts
When I solve for AZ -- Tracy Allen's equation I get 1536 mV --- AZ = AD** 14464 + AD --
I can't seem to figure out why I am not getting 1000mv for 1 volt on input?
any help appreciated
' Voltmeter. bs1
' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
SYMBOL CS = 0 ' Chip select; 0 = active.
SYMBOL CLK = 1 ' Clock to ADC; out on rising, in on falling edge.
SYMBOL DIO_n = 2 ' Pin _number_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL DIO_p = PIN2 ' Variable_name_ of data input/output.
SYMBOL ADbits = B1 ' Counter variable for serial bit reception.
SYMBOL AD = W1 ' 12-bit ADC conversion result.
SYMBOL sglDif = 1 ' Single-ended, two-channel mode.
SYMBOL msbf = 1 ' Output 0s after data transfer is complete.
SYMBOL oddSign = BIT0 ' Program writes channel # to this bit.
HIGH CS ' Deactivate the ADC to begin.
Again: ' Main loop.
FOR oddSign = 0 TO 1 ' Toggle between input channels.
GOSUB Convert ' Get data from ADC.
AZ = AD** 14464 + AD
'DEBUG "ch ",#oddSign,":",#AD,CR ' Show the data on PC screen.
DEBUG "ch ",#oddSign,":",#AZ," mV",CR ' Show the data on PC screen.
SEROUT 7,T2400,("ch ", #oddSign,":",#Az," mV",10,13) 'send via serial
PAUSE 500 ' Wait a half second.
NEXT ' Change input channels.
GOTO Again ' Endless loop.
LOW CLK ' Low clock--output on rising edge.
HIGH DIO_n ' Switch DIO to output high (start bit).
LOW CS ' Activate the 1298.
PULSOUT CLK,5 ' Send start bit.
LET DIO_p = sglDif ' First setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5 ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = oddSign ' Second setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5 ' Send bit.
LET DIO_p = msbf ' Final setup bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5 ' Send bit.
INPUT DIO_n ' Get ready for input from DIO.
LET AD = 0 ' Clear old ADC result.
FOR ADbits = 1 TO 13 ' Get null bit + 12 data bits.
LET AD = AD*2+DIO_p ' Shift AD left, add new data bit.
PULSOUT CLK,5 ' Clock next data bit in.
NEXT ' Get next data bit.
HIGH CS ' Turn off the ADC
RETURN ' Return to program.
- Stephen
With zero volts on the input of channel 0 -- I get 0 -output
With 1 volt on input channel 0 ----·I get 1536