A "?" about the PWM object.
Posts: 452
I was thinking I needed better duty resolution than 0-100 as is the current limit on the PWM object in the OB-Exchange.
Would I be exceeding some limit if I were to set the limit to 10_000?
Since I am not as fluent in assembly as I would like to be I can not guess on what being done. So this Is why I ask. If I substitute a part of the code with the following will serious problems surface?
Would I be exceeding some limit if I were to set the limit to 10_000?
{A simple pwm object based on code from AN001 - propeller counters Author: Jev Kuznetsov date : 16 Oktober 2007 usage OBJ pwm : pwmAsm .... pwm.start( Pin) ' start pwm pwm.SetPeriod( period ) ' set pwm period in clock cycles pwm.SetDuty( duty) ' set duty in % pwm.Stop } VAR long cog long sDuty ' order important (the variables are read from memory in this order) long sPinOut long sCtraVal long sPeriod PUB Start( Pin) : success 'start pwm on Pin @ 80 kHz longfill(@sDuty, 0, 4) sDuty := 50 ' default duty sPinOut := |< Pin sCtraVal := %00100 << 26 + Pin sPeriod := 1000 stop Success := (cog := Cognew(@entry,@sDuty) + 1) PUB stop '' Stop object - frees a cog if cog cogstop (cog~ -1) longfill(@sDuty, 0, 4) PUB SetPeriod(counts) ' set pwm period in clock cycles, frequency = (_clkfreq / period) sPeriod := counts PUB SetDuty(counts) if (counts < 0) counts := 0 if (counts > 100) counts := 100 sDuty := counts * sPeriod / 100 DAT 'assembly cog which updates the PWM cycle on APIN 'for audio PWM, fundamental freq which must be out of auditory range (period < 50µS) org entry mov t1,par 'get first parameter rdlong value, t1 add t1,#4 rdlong pinOut, t1 or dira, pinOut ' set pinOut to output add t1, #4 rdlong ctraval, t1 mov ctra, ctraval 'establish counter A mode and APIN add t1, #4 rdlong period, t1 mov frqa, #1 'set counter to increment 1 each cycle mov time, cnt 'record current time add time, period 'establish next period :loop rdlong value, par 'get an up to date pulse width waitcnt time, period 'wait until next period neg phsa, value 'back up phsa so that it trips "value" cycles from now jmp #:loop 'loop for next cycle period res 1 time res 1 value res 1 t1 res 1 pinOut res 1 ctraval res 1
Since I am not as fluent in assembly as I would like to be I can not guess on what being done. So this Is why I ask. If I substitute a part of the code with the following will serious problems surface?
PUB SetDuty(counts) if (counts < 0) counts := 0 if (counts > 100000) counts := 100000 sDuty := counts * sPeriod / 100000
Hum It seems to be working so far I just hate using something I am not completely familiar with. Thanks for the quick response Philldapill
That is, if I understand the PWM object correctly. Any "wizards" want to chime in?(PhiPi?)
My problem is I cant seem to find it. If I set the period to 8_000 it seems to work. If I go over this it wants to not work which is backwards as I calculate it to be
frequency = (clkfreq / period)
8_000 = (80Mhz / period)
I get a total period of 10Khz
Any thing over 8_000 i.e. 10_000 should lower the period making it seemingly work better ? Am I thinking correctly here?