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Design Project - Bluetooth — Parallax Forums

Design Project - Bluetooth

apurgertapurgert Posts: 2
edited 2009-04-17 05:54 in BASIC Stamp
So, here's the story. In my Tools for Engineering course I need to design a simple project using what we have learned in class this semester. My group thinks that it would be awesome to use the BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board with bluetooth to "pop a door lock" when the cell phone is either turned on or, if that's too difficult, pop when the correct password is entered. (The door lock is going to be simulated by an LED blinking and have a simple beep most likely.) The problem is that we have never used the bluetooth modules in class and just wanted to know how difficult they are to use or if there is a massive flaw in our thinking. We don't want to get into something over our heads and harm our grade. I just wanted to get some outside thoughts because we are meeting with the professor later this week to see what his thoughts are.

Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your input.


  • MSDTechMSDTech Posts: 342
    edited 2009-04-14 21:30
    Yes, what you are thinking is doable - IF you have the right application running on the cell phone. Bluetooth communications have multiple profiles available which determine the types of connections they can support. Very few Bluetooth devices support more than a few of the possible profiles.
    The Parallax Bluetooth modules only support a serial profile (SPP). The Bluetooth on most cell phones is there to support a headset and may or more likely not support serial connections. You would need a cell phone that supports SPP and have an application on it that can transmit a known string of characters to the Bluetooth adaptor connected to your homework board.
    Of course, if you were using a second homework board with a Bluetooth module, then it would be relatively easy to make this work, since the Bluetooth modules are just being used to replace a cable between the devices.
  • apurgertapurgert Posts: 2
    edited 2009-04-17 05:54
    Thanks for the information. Good news, both my partner and myself have smartphones with SPP support, so we have two chances before having to use the other HomeWork Board. Next step is seeing if the bluetooth application that came with it will work. Can't test that until the module comes in because we have no modules at school. Apparently we are the first one's to attempt something like this.

    I will be sure to post the end result in a few weeks when it's completed, but now I have to start on the design and rough code to turn into my teacher.

    Again, thanks for your help.
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