Noob question!! Spin Manual?
I Hope you can excuse a noob question but is there a Spin Manual?
I have found plenty manuals on the Propeller with Spin programing examples but is there a Manual/website dedicated to the Spin language?
I have found plenty manuals on the Propeller with Spin programing examples but is there a Manual/website dedicated to the Spin language?
Airspace V - international hangar flying! for tools & toys
what kind of information do you miss in the things you found ?
There is the but I think it is not exactly what you wish
best regards
I was looking for a general guide to the Spin language but as VirtuPIC said there is already alot of info on it in the manuals.
How ever i have got and other question for you, i recently got the Pro Dev Board of one of Parallaxes suppliers and i have been playing around with it a little bit. Among many other things its got LED Segmented displays, they work by you first applying ground to one of the 6 digits you wanna light and then + to the segment in that digit you want to light. So my question is how can you make the propeller switch from digit to digit seeing as you have to apply ground to different legs not +.
You connect each digit to one I/O pin and each segment of all digits to one I/O pin.
I a mere Noob bow in your shadow cast by your knowledge and bows and backs out humbly.
ie. Thank you for answering a serious noob question in a pleasant and educated way.